Venus pudica (I)
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SM ISO690:2012
CROITORU, Costin. Venus pudica (I). In: Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei, Ed. 6, 6 iunie 2019, Cahul. Cahul, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu‖ din Cahul, 2019, Vol.6, Partea 2, pp. 157-161. ISSN 2587-3563 .
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Dublin Core
Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei
Vol.6, Partea 2, 2019
Conferința "Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei"
6, Cahul, Moldova, 6 iunie 2019

Venus pudica (I)

Pag. 157-161

Croitoru Costin12
1 Muzeul Brăilei,
2 Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu“, Cahul
Disponibil în IBN: 26 decembrie 2019


The author dedicates his contribution to one of the most significant deities in the Greek pantheon, Aphrodita, assimilated into Latin culture under the name of Venus. Her widespread worship in time and space has generated a wide range of representations most immortalizing the sensuality of the goddess of love. By far the most well-known representation and of course the most controversial is the statue made of marble by the famous artist Praxiteles for the temple in Cnidos. This artwork currently lost has influenced plastic art for more than 2,000 years, being known as Venus Pudica.

Aphrodita, Venus, Knidos, Praxiteles

Cerif XML Export

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<cfVol>Vol.6, Partea 2</cfVol>
<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Venus pudica (I)</cfTitle>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Aphrodita; Venus; Knidos; Praxiteles</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>The author dedicates his contribution to one of the most significant deities in the Greek pantheon, Aphrodita, assimilated into Latin culture under the name of Venus. Her widespread worship in time and space has generated a wide range of representations most immortalizing the sensuality of the goddess of love. By far the most well-known representation and of course the most controversial is the statue made of marble by the famous artist Praxiteles for the temple in Cnidos. This artwork currently lost has influenced plastic art for more than 2,000 years, being known as Venus Pudica.</p></cfAbstr>