Euro managementul – noua dimensiune pentru managementul din Republica Moldova
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2024-03-19 11:02
SM ISO690:2012
MORARU, Simion, BARAN, Tatiana. Euro managementul – noua dimensiune pentru managementul din Republica Moldova. In: Paradigme moderne în dezvoltarea economiei naţionale şi mondiale: Cu ocazia aniversării a 65 de ani de la fondarea Facultăţii de Ştiinţe Economice, Ed. 1, 2-3 noiembrie 2018, Chisinău. Chișinău: Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2018, pp. 465-474. ISBN 978-9975-142-57-1.
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Paradigme moderne în dezvoltarea economiei naţionale şi mondiale 2018
Conferința "Paradigme moderne în dezvoltarea economiei naţionale şi mondiale"
1, Chisinău, Moldova, 2-3 noiembrie 2018

Euro managementul – noua dimensiune pentru managementul din Republica Moldova

Pag. 465-474

Moraru Simion, Baran Tatiana
Universitatea Cooperatist-Comercială din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 3 iunie 2019


European specialty literature mentions the multitude of European cultures in business and different styles and management models based on customs, habits, skills and traditions proper to every nation or common to each people apart. The pluralism of cultures in European states was determined by scientists G. Hofstede and F. Trompenaars according to certain parameters that allowed the classification of country management and the determination of different models that eventually have risen to features and common characteristics in the leadership philosophy of European enterprises. The concept of euro-management appeared in the early 1990s as a reflection of the rising European integration process. But the trends of forming euro-management do not mean the convergence of cultures in European businesses in the conditions of economic integration of states. By the management practice, euro-management tends to accumulate the most fertile experiences in developed countries, operating under the conditions of a market economy with fierce competition for many years. In such circumstances, a new European identity is shaped by the promotion of common cultural values for the European nations in accordance with the cultural varieties of each nation. The purpose of this article is to generalize from the European managerial experience accumulated to promote the development of business management in the Republic of Moldova that is in the transition period.

euro-management, multitude of business cultures, styles and management methods, leadership philosophy, inertial management, passivity to changing economic environment