Evoluţia microflorei bacteriene care colonizează solurile din S-E României (Moldova) în perioada 2012-2013
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-05-31 08:43
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631.46(498) (1)
Știința solului. Pedologie. Cercetări pedologice (732)
SM ISO690:2012
MORARI, Evelina-Cristina, LIPŞA, Florin Daniel, BĂLĂU, Mihaela-Andreea, FILIPOV, Feodor, ULEA, Eugen. Evoluţia microflorei bacteriene care colonizează solurile din S-E României (Moldova) în perioada 2012-2013. In: Agronomie şi ecologie, 9-11 octombrie 2013, Chişinău. Chişinău: Centrul editorial UASM, 2013, Vol.39, pp. 353-359. ISBN 978-9975-64-250-7.
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Agronomie şi ecologie
Vol.39, 2013
Simpozionul "Agricultura Modernă – Realizări şi Perspective"
Chişinău, Moldova, 9-11 octombrie 2013

Evoluţia microflorei bacteriene care colonizează solurile din S-E României (Moldova) în perioada 2012-2013

CZU: 631.46(498)

Pag. 353-359

Morari Evelina-Cristina, Lipşa Florin Daniel, Bălău Mihaela-Andreea, Filipov Feodor, Ulea Eugen
Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară „Ion Ionescu de la Brad”, Iaşi
Disponibil în IBN: 31 mai 2019


The main objectives of this study were to isolate and quantify the major groups of bacteria (Gram positive, Gram negative and nitrogen fixing bacteria) existing in the most common soil types from Moldova and also to report their level of participation and activity for each soil type. Achieving soil samples were taken from differentiated both in terms of composition and their importance agricultural. Classes of soil from which soil samples were taken are cernisoil, luvisoil, salsodisoil, planosoil, protisoil, pelisoil and hidrisoil. Sampling was carried out in two stages (October 2012, May 2013), and to analyze these Petri dishes method was used. By comparing the obtained results a variation between groups of bacteria and main soil types of the Moldova region. Microbiological study results show variations in the concentration and dynamics of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. With some exceptions, from the soil types considered in the study species of molecular nitrogen fixing bacteria free aerobic and anaerobic (Azotobacter spp and Clostridium spp.) were isolated. The results illustrate that bacterial flora is strongly influenced by the action of edaphic and climatic factors.

Bacteria, microflora, nitrogen fixing bacteria, soil.