Opinions about the Cultural Orientation of the People in Arab Sector of Israel: Men Perspectives
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SM ISO690:2012
AYOUB, Eman, ŞTEFÎRŢA, Adelina. Opinions about the Cultural Orientation of the People in Arab Sector of Israel: Men Perspectives. In: 4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health, 29-30 septembrie 2017, Iași. Iași, România: LUMEN Conference Center, 2017, pp. 24-26.
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4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health 2017
Conferința "4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health"
Iași, Romania, 29-30 septembrie 2017

Opinions about the Cultural Orientation of the People in Arab Sector of Israel: Men Perspectives

Pag. 24-26

Ayoub Eman, Ştefîrţa Adelina
Free International University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 27 decembrie 2018


This article is devoted to assessing the opinions about the cultural orientation of the people the contemporary Arab world. We try to understand why a person continues to live with another person that is violent? What are the factors and reasons for a person to live with in a violent environment? What children are growing and living in „every-day violence” as an ordinary family? What are the emotional and social damage that a person and his/her children are going to deal with if the wife/ the husband did that violent action? 120 Arab and Jewish men of different ages were interviewed during academic year 20162017: 40 persons of age 20-40 (group 1); 40 persons of age 4160 (group 2); 40 persons of age 61+ (group 3). Men where asked about their sexual identification, education, family status, the living environment, appreciation of: 1. income earned; 2. living condition; 3. financial situation; 4. meal and alimentation; 5.satisfaction of actual financial and material conditions; 6. the level of the education and professional instruction; 7. professional careere; 8. professional activity that they have now; 9. working conditions; 10. the respect and understanding at the  professional or educational environement; 11. relationship with their personal family they come from; 12. relationship with the family they have now; 13. relationship with their wife/husband family; 14. relationship with their friends; 15. relationship with their colleagues at the workplace; 16. posibility of realisation of their cultural needs; 17. posibility of realisation of their spiritual/religious needs; 18. posibility of their self-development; 19. posibility of affirmation of their personal value; 20. satisfaction of the personal need of social respect and more.

Articolul prezintă informaţie detaliată privind opinia a 120 persoane (bărbaţi) din Sectorul Arab privind orientare culturală a Israelului contemporan. Eşantionul a fost format din: 40 bărbaţi vârsta 20-40 ani (grup 1); 40 bărbaţi vârsta 41-60 (grup 2); 40 bărbaţi vârsta 61+ (grup 3). Respondenţii au răspuns la diferinte întrebări ce au demonstrat identificarea sexuală a acestora, educaţie, statutul familial, mediul de trai, aprecierile privind: 1. salariul primit; 2. condiţiile de trai; 3. situaţia financiară; 4. alimentare; 5.satisfacţia privind condiţiile financiare şi materiale; 6. nivelul de educaţie şipregătire profesională; 7. carieră; 8. activitatea profesională actuală; 9. condiţiile de muncă; 10. respectarea şi înţelegerea mediului profesional şi educaţional; 11. relaţia cu familia din care ei provin; 12. relaţia cu familia acutală; 13. relaţioa cu familiua din care provine soţul/soţia; 14. relaţia cu prietenii; 15. relaţia cu colegii de la locul de muncă; 16. posibilitatea de a-şi realiza necesităţile cilturale; 17. posibilitatea de a realiza propriile necesităţi spirituale/religioase; 18. posibilitatea de dezvoltare personală; 19. posibilitatea de a afirma propriile valori; 20. satisfacţia privind necesităţile personale privind respostul sociale şi altele.

man, opinions, time, nature, activity,

cultural orientations, human nature

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<dc:creator>Ayoub, E.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Ştefîrţa, A.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>This article is devoted to assessing the opinions about the cultural orientation of the people the contemporary Arab world. We try to understand why a person continues to live with another person that is violent? What are the factors and reasons for a person to live with in a violent environment? What children are growing and living in &bdquo;every-day violence&rdquo; as an ordinary family? What are the emotional and social damage that a person and his/her children are going to deal with if the wife/ the husband did that violent action? 120 Arab and Jewish men of different ages were interviewed during academic year 20162017: 40 persons of age 20-40 (group 1); 40 persons of age 4160 (group 2); 40 persons of age 61+ (group 3). Men where asked about their sexual identification, education, family status, the living environment, appreciation of: 1. income earned; 2. living condition; 3. financial situation; 4. meal and alimentation; 5.satisfaction of actual financial and material conditions; 6. the level of the education and professional instruction; 7. professional careere; 8. professional activity that they have now; 9. working conditions; 10. the respect and understanding at the <strong>&nbsp;</strong>professional or educational environement; 11. relationship with their personal family they come from; 12. relationship with the family they have now; 13. relationship with their wife/husband family; 14. relationship with their friends; 15. relationship with their colleagues at the workplace; 16. posibility of realisation of their cultural needs; 17. posibility of realisation of their spiritual/religious needs; 18. posibility of their self-development; 19. posibility of affirmation of their personal value; 20. satisfaction of the personal need of social respect and more.</p></dc:description>
<dc:description xml:lang='ro'><p>Articolul prezintă informaţie detaliată privind opinia a 120 persoane (bărbaţi) din Sectorul Arab privind orientare culturală a Israelului contemporan. Eşantionul a fost format din: 40 bărbaţi v&acirc;rsta 20-40 ani (grup 1); 40 bărbaţi v&acirc;rsta 41-60 (grup 2); 40 bărbaţi v&acirc;rsta 61+ (grup 3). Respondenţii au răspuns la diferinte &icirc;ntrebări ce au demonstrat identificarea sexuală a acestora, educaţie, statutul familial, mediul de trai, aprecierile privind: 1. salariul primit; 2. condiţiile de trai; 3. situaţia financiară; 4. alimentare; 5.satisfacţia privind condiţiile financiare şi materiale; 6. nivelul de educaţie şipregătire profesională; 7. carieră; 8. activitatea profesională actuală; 9. condiţiile de muncă; 10. respectarea şi &icirc;nţelegerea mediului profesional şi educaţional; 11. relaţia cu familia din care ei provin; 12. relaţia cu familia acutală; 13. relaţioa cu familiua din care provine soţul/soţia; 14. relaţia cu prietenii; 15. relaţia cu colegii de la locul de muncă; 16. posibilitatea de a-şi realiza necesităţile cilturale; 17. posibilitatea de a realiza propriile necesităţi spirituale/religioase; 18. posibilitatea de dezvoltare personală; 19. posibilitatea de a afirma propriile valori; 20. satisfacţia privind necesităţile personale privind respostul sociale şi altele.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health () 24-26</dc:source>
<dc:subject>cultural orientations</dc:subject>
<dc:title>Opinions about the Cultural Orientation of the People in Arab Sector of Israel: Men Perspectives</dc:title>