Langue-culture: conscience géoculturelle et composantes identitaires
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81-13 (10)
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SM ISO690:2012
DODU-SAVCA, Carolina. Langue-culture: conscience géoculturelle et composantes identitaires. In: Intertext , 2018, nr. 3-4(47-48), pp. 28-41. ISSN 1857-3711.
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Numărul 3-4(47-48) / 2018 / ISSN 1857-3711 /ISSNe 2345-1750

Langue-culture: conscience géoculturelle et composantes identitaires

Language-culture: geocultural consciousness and identity components

CZU: 81-13

Pag. 28-41

Dodu-Savca Carolina
Université Libre Internationale de Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 4 august 2018


At the recent crossroads of millennia, scientific discourse signals an unprecedented synthesis. The fields of research embark on a singular synchronization on top subjects. The classical and emerging disciplines focus on the key concepts “identity-culture-civilization” and on their conceptual, semantic, empirical, deontological, heuristic, axiological and pragmatic satellites such as: language and heritage // territory, ethnicity / ethnic nationalism, racial dimension, religion, family // migration, exile, wandering and marginality // Me, the Other, otherness, alienation // tolerance, hospitality, dialogue of cultures, conviviality, plural identity etc.  The article highlights the dialogic relationship “language-culture” that projects itself into the geocultural consciousness and tries to observe the most eminent interconnections between the geocultural components and the identity components. The dialogic relationship relies on two fundamental theories: the dialogism and the "dialogic principle". On the one hand, the language-(and)-culture dialogue supported by Mikhail Bakhtin's theory nuances the transfer of identity consciousness within language-culture. On the other hand, the "dialogic principle" reflected by Tzvetan Todorov's theory emphasizes the dialogue of cultures within a dialogical Self that symbolizes the crossroads of cultures.

language-culture, the Other, otherness,

geocultural awareness, dialogical ego, plural identity.