Grâul durum de toamnă în condiţiile climatice contraste ale anilor 2007 – 2008
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633.112.1”324”:[632.11+581.54]”2007/2008” (1)
Cereale. Recolte de grâne (694)
Boli ale plantelor. Dăunători și organisme vătămătoare pentru plante. Protejarea plantelor (996)
Habiturile plantelor. Comportamentul plantelor. Ecologia plantelor. Etologia plantelor. Plantele şi mediul lor. (181)
SM ISO690:2012
PALADI, Nicolae. Grâul durum de toamnă în condiţiile climatice contraste ale anilor 2007 – 2008 . In: Ştiinţa Agricolă, 2010, nr. 1, pp. 14-16. ISSN 1857-0003.
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Dublin Core
Ştiinţa Agricolă
Numărul 1 / 2010 / ISSN 1857-0003 /ISSNe 2587-3202

Grâul durum de toamnă în condiţiile climatice contraste ale anilor 2007 – 2008
CZU: 633.112.1”324”:[632.11+581.54]”2007/2008”

Pag. 14-16

Paladi Nicolae
Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 15 decembrie 2013


Winter durum wheat as a biological type of winter wheatis a relatively new crop. Winter durum wheat has to be improved for winter conditions by developing the level of seeds production and seeds quality. This problem can be solved bythe production of new varieties and at the same time by means of new technological elements of cultivation. The general methods of study accomplished within the facilities of the Department of Plant Technology and Experimental Didactic Station of State Agrarian University of Moldova have revealed a positive influence of the sowing termand optimal plant density upon the level of seeds production and quality at different varieties of winter durum wheat.Acceptable sowing termand plant density are considered as the most efficient conditions for winter durum wheat productivity in unfavorable years of cultivation.

Average production of seeds, Hard winterwheat, Plantdensity, Sowing term: early,
