Influenţa rasei asupra indicilor productivi şi reproductivi la iepuroaice
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SM ISO690:2012
MARDARI, Tatiana. Influenţa rasei asupra indicilor productivi şi reproductivi la iepuroaice . In: Ştiinţa Agricolă, 2009, nr. 2, pp. 51-53. ISSN 1857-0003.
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Dublin Core
Ştiinţa Agricolă
Numărul 2 / 2009 / ISSN 1857-0003 /ISSNe 2587-3202

Influenţa rasei asupra indicilor productivi şi reproductivi la iepuroaice
CZU: 636.92.06

Pag. 51-53

Mardari Tatiana
Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 29 noiembrie 2013


Traditionally,in Republic of Moldova,the rabbits are bred with in the individual farms, but they can be raised up with in modern farms, fact that will allow receiving a higher profit, especially using the foreign markets, where the rabbits’meat is very popular.The leverets were weighed at parturition and at the age of 21 days, using the formula (G2– G1) x 2, where G2 represents the leveret’s body weigh at the age of 21 days, and G1– its body weigh at parturition. Also, there was determined the whole milk quantity. The best prolification results showed the breed white New-Zeeland with the average of 8,50 products per parturition, but the breed California had just 7,50. One of the most important indices is leverets’ viability connected to the percentage of their survival:before weaning it was 90, 1% at white New-Zeeland breed and 86,6% at California breed.The leverets of white New-Zeeland breed bear the weaning stress better, and havea higher weight gain in comparis on with those of California breed. The bodyweight differences between the groups at the age of 60 dayswas 1797,5 g for the breed of white New-Zeeland. The females of these two breeds are characterised according to the indices of prolificity that corresponds to breed standard, and the received progeny showed high weight gains about 154g/ day for the breed of white New-Zeeland and 115,9 g/day for the breed of California.

Bodyweight, Prolification,

Milk production, Rabbit females, Weight gain

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