Личные крестьянские хозяйства в Украине_тенденции развития и европейские ориентиры
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2016-03-28 15:23
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similare conform CZU
338.43:631.115.1(477) (1)
Producție și servicii în funcție de sectoarele economice (1543)
Conducerea și organizarea fermelor (497)
SM ISO690:2012
КРИСАНОВ, Д., УДОВА, Людмила. Личные крестьянские хозяйства в Украине_тенденции развития и европейские ориентиры. In: Buletinul ştiinţific al Universităţii de Stat ”Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” din Cahul, Seria ”Științe economice”, 2015, nr. 2(14), pp. 131-153. ISSN 1875-2723.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Buletinul ştiinţific al Universităţii de Stat ”Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” din Cahul, Seria ”Științe economice”
Numărul 2(14) / 2015 / ISSN 1875-2723

Личные крестьянские хозяйства в Украине_тенденции развития и европейские ориентиры
CZU: 338.43:631.115.1(477)

Pag. 131-153

Крисанов Д., Удова Людмила
Институт экономики и прогнозирования Национальной академии наук Украины
Disponibil în IBN: 11 martie 2016


In the article transformations in agriculture from the beginning of 90-th and following changes are analysed in the structure of producer of agricultural. The features of development of the personal peasant economies, their role in providing of food safety of country, and also management effectiveness, are exposed by comparison to the sector of agrarian enterprises. Basic calls and problems are systematized for the personal peasant economies, that arose up after entering into the action of eurointegration Law of Ukraine. They imply the complete conforming to of products the requirements of technical regulations of safety and indexes of standards of quality, that actual and that producer of agricultural of countries-members of European Union adhere to. The basic groups of producer of agricultural are generalized, where the systems of management of safety of primary products are inculcated, and reasonable suggestion on the certification of the personal peasant economies on accordance to the requirements of international standard of GlobalGAP. Advantages that is got by products at the use of the geographical pointing of her origin are exposed, and also problems that will have to be preliminary settled are systematized, for their practical realization.

agrarian sector of economy, personal peasant economies, certification of primary of producer of agricultural, geographical marking of products,

management effectiveness