Distinctive features of water resource use and management in the Danube-Black Sea hydrographical space (Republic of Moldova sector)
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Hidrosfera. Apa în general. Hidrologie (467)
SM ISO690:2012
BURDUJA, Daniela, BACAL, Petru. Distinctive features of water resource use and management in the Danube-Black Sea hydrographical space (Republic of Moldova sector). In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , 2024, nr. 1(R), pp. 26-27. ISSN 1843-5971.
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Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Numărul 1(R) / 2024 / ISSN 1843-5971 /ISSNe 2284-7820

Distinctive features of water resource use and management in the Danube-Black Sea hydrographical space (Republic of Moldova sector)

CZU: 556.5(478)

Pag. 26-27

Burduja Daniela, Bacal Petru
Institute of Ecology and Geography, MSU
Disponibil în IBN: 16 iunie 2024


The Danube-Black Sea hydrographical space (DBS HS) has a total area of 6.5 thousand km2 which is about 19.3% of the total area of the Republic of Moldova and includes the rivers Cahul, Ialpug, Kitai, Cogâlnic, Sarata and Hadjider. The surface water resources of the Danube-Black Sea Hydrographic Space are quite modest. The region concentrates only 1% of the available surface water resources of the Republic of Moldova. The Danube-Black Sea hydrographical area makes an insignificant contribution of about 1.12% to the water supply of the Republic of Moldova. In the MND HS, more than 3/4 of the water is abstracted from the hydrographic basins (HB) of the Ialpug (49%) and Cogâlnic (30%) rivers, due to the larger surface area and the presence of the urban centres Hincesti and Cimislia - in the Cogâlnic HB; Comrat, Ceadâr-Lunga and Taraclia - in the Ialpug HB. The other rivers in the DBS HS, because of their smaller size, are of local importance, being used more for agriculture and fish farming. In the context of reduced access to surface water resources, about 85% of the water used in the DBS HS is abstracted from groundwater sources. According to the data of "Waters of Moldova" Agency, in the analyzed period (2010-2022), the total volume of water used in DBS HS was, on average, 8.44 million m3, including 4.11 million m3 in Ialpug HB, 2.53 million m3 in Cogâlnic HB, 490 thousand m3 in Cahul HB, 572 thousand m3 in Hadjider HB, 528 thousand m3 in Sărata HB and 212 thousand m3 in Kitai HB. The largest amount of water (5.6 millions m3 or 67%) is used in agriculture, for domestic purposes an average of 2.44 million m3 (30%) was used, and for technological purposes - only 250 thousand m3 or 3% of the volume of water used in the study region. During the period under analysis (2010-2022) the dynamics of the total volume of water used in the DBS HS shows an oscillating trend caused both by the annual trend of atmospheric precipitation and by demographic and economic developments, with a slight upward trend (+9%). In the period 2010-2017 there is a decrease of more than 10% in the volume of water used in the DBS HS, which is due to social and economic instability during that period, bankruptcy and reorganization of large agricultural enterprises, as well as the decline of the population. In the years 2018-2022, an increase of 13% in the volume of water used is expected.