Valențe identitare în activitatea misionară și culturalã a Mitropolitului Gurie al BasarabieI
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SM ISO690:2012
GROSSU, Silvia. Valențe identitare în activitatea misionară și culturalã a Mitropolitului Gurie al BasarabieI. In: Revista de Științe Politice și Relații internaționale, 2018, nr. 1(15), pp. 87-102. ISSN 1584-1723.
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Dublin Core
Revista de Științe Politice și Relații internaționale
Numărul 1(15) / 2018 / ISSN 1584-1723 /ISSNe 2285-7540

Valențe identitare în activitatea misionară și culturalã a Mitropolitului Gurie al BasarabieI

Pag. 87-102

Grossu Silvia
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 14 iunie 2024


The roots of the Romanians’ spiritual and cultural unity were ineluctably linked to the Orthodox Church; in different periods of its development, the Church had the role of a major binder and focal point of spirituality and culture. As we have noted and mentioned many times, the significance and complexity of the work of the illustrious arch-pastor of the nation – the Metropolitan Gurie Grosu, who lived the drama of biggest controversies in his lifetime, we revert to the idea of reconsidering his place in the gallery of outstanding personalities of our history. In the 140 years since his birth (1877) and about 75 years after his passing into eternity (November 16, 1943), the rehabilitation ofHis Eminence has not yet occurred. The present study focuses on the basis of identity legitimation of his missionary and cultural activity (1902-1937).

identity legitimation, identity discourse, Metropolitan Gurie Grosu, Romanian language, missionary activity, periodical publications, magazines Luminãtorul (The Enlightener) and Misionarul (The Missionary)