Toposul casei în opera lui Ion Creangă
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similare conform CZU
821.135.07:398.34 (1)
Literatură romanică balcanică (Literatură română) (2138)
Folclor propriu-zis (752)
SM ISO690:2012
SMOLNIŢCHI, Dumitriţa. Toposul casei în opera lui Ion Creangă. In: Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură , Ed. 3, 21 octombrie 2024, Chisinau. Comrat: "A&V Poligraf", 2024, Vol.3, pp. 238-242. ISBN 978-9975-83-297-7.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură
Vol.3, 2024
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
3, Chisinau, Moldova, 21 octombrie 2024

Toposul casei în opera lui Ion Creangă

The topos of the house in the work of Ion Creanga

CZU: 821.135.07:398.34

Pag. 238-242

Smolniţchi Dumitriţa
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău
Disponibil în IBN: 4 iunie 2024


The house is an archetypal symbol, indicating a certain center of the world, a sacred place, an image, a reflection of the universe. The house is one of the most frequent topos in Ion Creanga's work. In correspondence with the universe, the roof of the house is heaven, its windows are paths to divinity, and its body is the earth. Usually, the house symbolizes and represents those who live in it. The houses in the Crengian work have different meanings depending on the context. Thus, we have divided the topos of the house in Creanga's work into several categories: houses of housekeepers, evil houses, adjuvant houses, etc., noting that the writer compares them all (both those in Memories... and those in Stories) with his own parental home (the etalon-house), because it represents the source, the spring to which the child soul of the adult turns. Therefore, the topos of the house in Creanga's work is a real, peasant one.

topos, house and household motif, parental house / evil house / house-adjacent, emblematic value