Developing the practical learning skills of the physical education faculty ma students within the managerial practice internship
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37.022:796.03 (1)
Probleme generale de didactică și metodică (1255)
Divertisment. Jocuri. Sport (1745)
SM ISO690:2012
AMELICICHIN, Ecaterina, CIREŞ, Victoria, JARDAN, Corina. Developing the practical learning skills of the physical education faculty ma students within the managerial practice internship. In: Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Ed. 3, 6 aprilie 2022, București. București, România: PRINTECH, 2022, Ediția 3, pp. 45-55. ISSN L 2734-8512.
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Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Ediția 3, 2022
Conferința "Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences"
3, București, Romania, 6 aprilie 2022

Developing the practical learning skills of the physical education faculty ma students within the managerial practice internship

CZU: 37.022:796.03

Pag. 45-55

Amelicichin Ecaterina1, Cireş Victoria1, Jardan Corina2
1 State University of Physical Education and Sport,
2 Theoretical High School ”Mihail Sadoveanu”, Chisinau
Disponibil în IBN: 14 martie 2024


Learning through practice is a method of training students in order to form the skills needed to become valuable employees or responsible entrepreneurs. Thus, within the managerial practice, the students apply the studied notions interdisciplinary and realize their deepening in a functional system, university or specialized department and at the same time the didactic approach is created by the practice head, to approach and apply new concepts, useful in organizing and leading a business in the field of sports. Internships are a mandatory part of the educational process and are carried out in order to deepen the theoretical knowledge gained by students during the years of study and skills training established by the National Qualifications Framework. Being a main element of the educational process and of the professional activity, the internship ensures the formation of professional competencies and the accumulation of experience regarding the organization and realization of the activities in the professional field. The success of graduates in the labor market will depend, to a large extent, on the degree to which they will know the specifics of their professional activity. As a result of the internship, the student - the future specialist can determine the perspectives of professional achievement in the chosen system of specialization, and the results of the practice justify the assignment of the graduate professional qualification.

learning, managerial practice, skills, marketing research.