Impactul digitalizării asupra companiilor ce vând produse prin mediul online
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161 7
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-05-27 14:29
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similare conform CZU
339.1:004.738.5 (8)
Probleme generale ale comerțului. Piața (827)
Comunicații între calculatoare. Rețele de calculatoare (536)
SM ISO690:2012
SAJIN, Vlada, SAJIN, Andreea, ȚVIGUN, Ionela. Impactul digitalizării asupra companiilor ce vând produse prin mediul online. In: Simpozion ştiinţific al tinerilor cercetători , Ed. 20, 7-8 aprilie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău Republica Moldova: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2023, Ediţia 21, Vol.1, pp. 206-209. ISBN 978-9975-180-04-7. DOI:
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Dublin Core
Simpozion ştiinţific al tinerilor cercetători
Ediţia 21, Vol.1, 2023
Simpozionul "Simpozion ştiinţific al tinerilor cercetători"
20, Chişinău, Moldova, 7-8 aprilie 2023

Impactul digitalizării asupra companiilor ce vând produse prin mediul online

The impact of digitization on companies that sell products online

CZU: 339.1:004.738.5
JEL: M31, M37, M39

Pag. 206-209

Sajin Vlada, Sajin Andreea, Țvigun Ionela
Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 13 martie 2024


Digitalization has revolutionized online sales, making it easier and more efficient for businesses to reach their target customers. With the rise of e-commerce platforms, businesses can now sell their products and services to customers around the world, without the need for a physical store. This has opened up new opportunities for small and large businesses alike, enabling them to expand their reach and increase their sales. Digitization is essential for the future of companies, as it allows them to streamline their internal processes, optimize their costs and expand their sphere of influence and market coverage.

Digitalization, online sales, businesses, Customers, positive and negative aspects