Unfrancophonequiasu et apu surmonterles époques : Grigore Cincilei (1927-1999)
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80/81:378.011.3-051(478) (2)
Probleme generale referitoare la lingvistică și literatură. Filologie (305)
Lingvistică. Limbi (5715)
Învățământ superior. Universități. Cursuri universitare (2670)
SM ISO690:2012
MANOLI, Ion. Unfrancophonequiasu et apu surmonterles époques : Grigore Cincilei (1927-1999). In: De la monem la text: reconfigurări lingvistice și practici didactice: in memoriam Grigore Cincilei cu ocazia aniversării a 95-a de la naștere, 1 decembrie 2022, Chişinău. Chişinău: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2023, pp. 10-12. ISBN 978-9975-62-503-6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.7614888
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De la monem la text: reconfigurări lingvistice și practici didactice 2023
Conferința "De la monem la text: reconfigurări lingvistice și practici didactice","
Chişinău, Moldova, 1 decembrie 2022

Unfrancophonequiasu et apu surmonterles époques : Grigore Cincilei (1927-1999)

CZU: 80/81:378.011.3-051(478)

Pag. 10-12

Manoli Ion
Université Libre Internationale de Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 13 decembrie 2023


Romance linguistics of the 20th century was lucky: the cohort of theoretical and practical researchers is unforgettable from Antoine Meillet (1866-1936) to Carlo Tagliavini (1903-1983), from Iorgu Iordan (1888-1986), to Eugeniu Coseriu (1921-2002)… And so many more famous. Among these illustrious names we find that of Grigore Cincilei (1927-1999), a scrupulous theoretical researcher of the minimal units of the lexeme: moneme, morpheme, grammateme, sememe, tememe, semanteme, word-syntheme as meaningful basic units both lexical and properly morphological. His studies have been appreciated all over the linguistic world: in Paris and Lausanne, Bucharest and Iași, Moscow and Sankt-Petersburg, in Kyiv and Cernăuți… We are still missing an integral work by Grigore Cincilei on the theory and terminology of the components of the word. Grigore Cincilei was a true patriot, a fighter for the triumph of the Romanian language in Bessarabia. His credo was very close to that of Aleco Russo: “Wake up, save the Fatherland and its language if one day you aspire to be truly happy and free”. These lines are intended as a sincere and modest tribute in memory of the One who had the name of Grigore Cincilei.

moneme, morpheme, grammateme, sememe, tememe, word-syntheme,

monème, morphème, grammatème, semème, témème, mot-synthèmef

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<dc:creator>Manoli, I.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>Romance linguistics of the 20th century was lucky: the cohort of theoretical and practical researchers is unforgettable from Antoine Meillet (1866-1936) to Carlo Tagliavini (1903-1983), from Iorgu Iordan (1888-1986), to Eugeniu Coseriu (1921-2002)&hellip; And so many more famous. Among these illustrious names we find that of Grigore Cincilei (1927-1999), a scrupulous theoretical researcher of the minimal units of the lexeme: moneme, morpheme, grammateme, sememe, tememe, semanteme, word-syntheme as meaningful basic units both lexical and properly morphological. His studies have been appreciated all over the linguistic world: in Paris and Lausanne, Bucharest and Iași, Moscow and Sankt-Petersburg, in Kyiv and Cernăuți&hellip; We are still missing an integral work by Grigore Cincilei on the theory and terminology of the components of the word. Grigore Cincilei was a true patriot, a fighter for the triumph of the Romanian language in Bessarabia. His credo was very close to that of Aleco Russo: &ldquo;Wake up, save the Fatherland and its language if one day you aspire to be truly happy and free&rdquo;. These lines are intended as a sincere and modest tribute in memory of the One who had the name of Grigore Cincilei.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>De la monem la text: reconfigurări lingvistice și practici didactice () 10-12</dc:source>
<dc:title>Unfrancophonequiasu et apu surmonterles &eacute;poques : Grigore Cincilei (1927-1999)</dc:title>