Features and specificity of ensemble music-making in the class of guitar
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785.1:787.61 (1)
Muzică instrumentală. Muzică simfonică. Gruparea instrumentelor. Muzică pentru ansamblu (275)
SM ISO690:2012
SOCHIRCA, Evelina. Features and specificity of ensemble music-making in the class of guitar. In: Educația artistică în contemporaneitate: realizări, provocări, perspective, Ed. Ediția 2, 1 noiembrie 2023, Bălți. Bălți: 2023, Ediția 2, pp. 115-119.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Educația artistică în contemporaneitate: realizări, provocări, perspective
Ediția 2, 2023
Conferința "Educația artistică în contemporaneitate: realizări, provocări, perspective"
Ediția 2, Bălți, Moldova, 1 noiembrie 2023

Features and specificity of ensemble music-making in the class of guitar

CZU: 785.1:787.61

Pag. 115-119

Sochirca Evelina
Școala de arte ''Ciprian Porumbescu'', Bălți
Disponibil în IBN: 7 decembrie 2023


Musicians and sociologists note the renewed popularity of guitar music in recent years and the surge of interest of the general population in home (ensemble) music-making, which is actively supported by the social institutions of society. The Children's Music School is designed to develop the musical culture and creative potential of students. Ensemble playing significantly expands the student's musical horizons, develops such qualities necessary for a musician, such as the ability to listen not only to his own performance, but also to his partner, the overall sound of the entire musical fabric of the piece. The joint nature of the work in learning and performing works, common goals and objectives, the formation of a conscious attitude to work and a sense of responsibility to their comrades, make the ensemble class an exciting and effective form of collective music making. Thus, the article discusses the main features of guitar ensemble music making, suggests some principles and methods of work in the guitar class.

ensemble music-making, guitar class, principles, Methods, methods of work used in ensemble music-making, student guitarist

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