Invazia cu stenostomum leucops aquariorum în acvariu cu pești decorativi și metodă de combatere
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-06-12 22:39
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similare conform CZU
34.09:576.895.1 (1)
Drept. Jurisprudență (15319)
Biologie celulară și subcelulară. Citologie (135)
SM ISO690:2012
DUMITRIU, Antonina, MELNIC, Sabrina-Emilia. Invazia cu stenostomum leucops aquariorum în acvariu cu pești decorativi și metodă de combatere. In: Gestionarea fondului genetic animalier – probleme, soluţii, perspective, 20-23 septembrie 2023, Maximovca. Maximovca: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2023, pp. 387-393. DOI:
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Gestionarea fondului genetic animalier – probleme, soluţii, perspective 2023
Conferința "Gestionarea fondului genetic animalier – probleme, soluţii, perspective"
Maximovca, Moldova, 20-23 septembrie 2023

Invazia cu stenostomum leucops aquariorum în acvariu cu pești decorativi și metodă de combatere

CZU: 34.09:576.895.1

Pag. 387-393

Dumitriu Antonina, Melnic Sabrina-Emilia
Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei
Disponibil în IBN: 24 noiembrie 2023


This study includes data about Stenostomum leucops aquariorum obtained during one month after researching a 45l common aquarium with Pterophyllum scalare black spawn, in which were decorative fishes of different species. Microorganism research was car-ried out by the optical microscopy method at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Technical University of Moldova. For the microscopic study, pieces of plants were collected from the aqua-rium and the individuals themselves were collected in glass containers, detecting several species of microorganisms. Also, in this work, it will be mentioned about morphological aspects, some particularities, their resistance to different environmental conditions, drug control through the use of a single preparation, its action and effectiveness in the fight against invasion by Stenosto-mum leucops aquariorum and obviously the results which was obtained.

aquarium, microscope, Stenostomum leucops aquariorum, resistance, drug