The biostimulator reglalg as an inductor of plants' viability and vigor
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SM ISO690:2012
DASCALIUC, Alexandru, JELEV (HADÎRCA), Natalia, VOINIAK, Vasile. The biostimulator reglalg as an inductor of plants' viability and vigor. In: Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective, Ed. 57, 2-3 octombrie 2023, Кишинев. Кишинев: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2023, nr.58, pp. 313-319. ISBN 978-9975-62-563-0. DOI:
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Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective
nr.58, 2023
Simpozionul "Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective"
57, Кишинев, Moldova, 2-3 octombrie 2023

The biostimulator reglalg as an inductor of plants' viability and vigor

CZU: 631.811.98

Pag. 313-319

Dascaliuc Alexandru, Jelev (Hadîrca) Natalia, Voiniak Vasile
Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection, MSU
Disponibil în IBN: 11 octombrie 2023


By the definition for the biostimulator, Reglalg contains substances extracted from algae that stimulate the natural plant processes that improve their tolerance to environmental abiotic stress, nutrient-use efficiency, quantity, and quality of the crop. During several years of testing, it has been demonstrated that due to the beneficial influence of Reglalg on the vigor and viability of different plant species, the plants are also less affected by biotic stress factors. Due to these properties, the biostimulator Reglalg is a highly effective preparation for use in organic agriculture.

biostimulator Reglalg, organic agriculture, Wheat, Tomatoes, vines, Apples