Сорт озимой мягкой пшеницы Tiras
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350 1
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-07-06 10:29
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
633.111:631.526 (1)
Cereale. Recolte de grâne (696)
Lucrări agricole (1251)
SM ISO690:2012
ПОСТОЛАТИ, Алексей, РУДОЙ, Марина. Сорт озимой мягкой пшеницы Tiras. In: Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective, Ed. 7, 19-20 mai 2023, Bălți. Balti, Republic of Moldova: Casa Editorial-Poligrafică „Bons Offices”, 2023, Ediția 7, pp. 157-161. ISBN 978-9975-81-128-6.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective
Ediția 7, 2023
Conferința "Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective"
7, Bălți, Moldova, 19-20 mai 2023

Сорт озимой мягкой пшеницы Tiras

CZU: 633.111:631.526

Pag. 157-161

Постолати Алексей, Рудой Марина
Научно-исследовательский институт полевых культур «Селекция»
Disponibil în IBN: 8 iunie 2023


The agrobiological characteristics and individual characteristics of the new variety of winter soft wheat Tiras, according to which the state variety testing in the Republic of Moldova is being completed, are given. In terms of productivity, its adaptability and other useful economic and biological properties and characteristics, the Tiras variety competes with national standards and other best foreign varieties that are in the State Variety Test of the Republic.

winter wheat, variety, Productivity, adaptability

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<cfVol>Ediția 7</cfVol>
<cfTitle cfLangCode='RU' cfTrans='o'>Сорт озимой мягкой пшеницы Tiras</cfTitle>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='RU' cfTrans='o'>winter wheat; variety; Productivity; adaptability</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>The agrobiological characteristics and individual characteristics of the new variety of winter soft wheat Tiras, according to which the state variety testing in the Republic of Moldova is being completed, are given. In terms of productivity, its adaptability and other useful economic and biological properties and characteristics, the Tiras variety competes with national standards and other best foreign varieties that are in the State Variety Test of the Republic.</p></cfAbstr>