Paradigma filosofică raţionalist-scientistă a lui P.P. Negulescu
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1(498)(092) (45)
SM ISO690:2012
JACOTA-DRAGAN, Olga. Paradigma filosofică raţionalist-scientistă a lui P.P. Negulescu. In: Filosofia și perspectiva umană:: materialele Conferinţei Ştiinţifice consacrată Zilei Mondiale a Filosofiei, Ed. 1, 19 noiembrie 2015, Chișinău. Chișinău: Institutul de Istorie, 2016, pp. 182-187. ISBN 978-9975-933-99-5.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Filosofia și perspectiva umană: 2016
Conferința "Filosofia și perspectiva umană"
1, Chișinău, Moldova, 19 noiembrie 2015

Paradigma filosofică raţionalist-scientistă a lui P.P. Negulescu

CZU: 1(498)(092)

Pag. 182-187

Jacota-Dragan Olga
Institutul de Istorie
Disponibil în IBN: 23 decembrie 2022


P.P. Negulescu is recognized as one of the most exemplary disciples of T. Maiorescu, who with C. Radulescu-Motru, M. Florian and I. Petrovich form a new philosophical direction, with multiple research issues: gnoseological, epistemological, ontological, cosmological, logical, religious and cultural.With the gnoseologic paradigm he argues the need for scientific research results, that solving philosophical problems. His rationalist-scientist paradigm has provoked much criticism, but it was and remains to be assessed today.

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<title xml:lang='ro'>Paradigma filosofică raţionalist-scientistă a lui P.P. Negulescu</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>P.P. Negulescu is recognized as one of the most exemplary disciples of T. Maiorescu, who with C. Radulescu-Motru, M. Florian and I. Petrovich form a new philosophical direction, with multiple research issues: gnoseological, epistemological, ontological, cosmological, logical, religious and cultural.With the gnoseologic paradigm he argues the need for scientific research results, that solving philosophical problems. His rationalist-scientist paradigm has provoked much criticism, but it was and remains to be assessed today.</p></description>