Filosofia reînnoirilor în societatea post pandemie
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13:316.42:616-036.21 (1)
Filosofia spiritului. Metafizica vieții spirituale (178)
Procese sociale. Dinamică socială (590)
Patologie. Medicină clinică (7213)
SM ISO690:2012
PASCARU, Ana. Filosofia reînnoirilor în societatea post pandemie. In: Sustenabilitatea gândirii filosofice în societatea post-pandemie, Chişinău: Institutul de Istorie, 2021, pp. 12-61. ISBN 978-9975-3334-3-6
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Sustenabilitatea gândirii filosofice în societatea post-pandemie
2021 / ISBN 978-9975-3334-3-6

Filosofia reînnoirilor în societatea post pandemie

Philosophy of renewals in the post pandemic society

CZU: 13:316.42:616-036.21

Pag. 12-61

Pascaru Ana
Institutul de Istorie
Disponibil în IBN: 15 august 2022


The context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic state generated by the COVID-19 virus faced by the global society for almost two years has brought to the forefront of reality the need for knowledge to use the openings of the Information Age and not only to overuse unlimited access to scientific and media information. Also, the need to change the perspective on critical thinking and its establishment in the community environment at all levels is obvious. All the more so since, it is not excluded that in post-pandemic the diversity of issues, working methods, reflected in philosophical thinking, may be able to stimulate social practice with a high degree of awareness. In an obvious way during the pandemic period, a crass fragmentation and inconsistency between the actions taken in society, including in the area of the Republic of Moldova, was revealed. Thus, the decisions taken by the authorities were investigated through the perspective of practices of philosophical thought. However, the new social realities imposed by the pandemic have accentuated problems that were previously overlooked as being unimportant and essential or being in an embryonic state, which is why they were simply not taken into account, and their clarification repeatedly was postponed for an "other time" indeterminate. Given this fact, the philosophical approach to renewals in the post-pandemic society in the compartment is a theoretical and methodological one that currently focuses on the importance of rigor and connection in knowing the pressing problems faced by the contemporary world. This kind of knowledge would involve the establishment of critical thinking about events, processes, upheavals, but also challenges through using the openings offered by the Information Age. The background of major problems and the delayed solutions have as a common denominator the avoidance of complex actions, at the level of society as a whole. Consequently, this avoidance during the pandemic might proliferate in post-pandemic too; the effect will be supported by human and environmental conditions, including in the social space of the Republic of Moldova. Additionally, factors to be taken into account are the awareness of the community regarding the value of the professional and civic responsibility, the priority of critical thinking skills and of civic spirit, the cultivation of social self-reflection for the mitigation of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic crisis generated by the COVID-19 virus and the consequences after the pandemic, the relaunch of all areas of social-economic, social-cultural life, and also the increase of the public function of the fields of science. Given the one-year period of the project, it insisted on the completion of the research methodology, the elaboration, but also the capitalization of the inter-and multidisciplinary paradigm. The methods necessary for the research stage were selected and applied and the results of the online survey that became an integral part of the paper were highlighted. The opportunities for knowing the effects of the pandemic have been structured on various fields of activity and the research itself has been in-depth. Within the expression of interest, the factual material was complemented with that of the fields adjacent to philosophy and related to the research hypothesis. It has been shown that renewals in society in pandemic conditions contribute to understanding the effects and overcoming the danger by changing human behavior in relation to both those in the community and to the environment. Also, it was shown that pandemic conditions result in dramatic changes in interpersonal, family and community relationships.

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