The air ionization in Suceava metropolitan area. Preliminary research
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SM ISO690:2012
PRISACARIU, Alin, MIHĂILĂ, Dumitru, BISTRICEAN, Petruţ Ionel. The air ionization in Suceava metropolitan area. Preliminary research. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Ed. 17, 3 iunie 2022, Iași. Iași: 2022, Ediția 17, pp. 59-60.
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Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Ediția 17, 2022
Simpozionul "Present Environment and Sustainable Development"
17, Iași, Romania, 3 iunie 2022

The air ionization in Suceava metropolitan area. Preliminary research

Pag. 59-60

Prisacariu Alin, Mihăilă Dumitru, Bistricean Petruţ Ionel
„Ștefan cel Mare” University, Suceava
Disponibil în IBN: 9 iunie 2022


The air in the immediate vicinity of the Earth's surface is characterised by the chemical, compositional and also physical properties such as: the electric field, electrical conductivity or degree of ionization. The aeroions have a considerable influence on the quality of the air we breathe, on human life and health. Therefore, the ion-generating process and the properties of aeroions have been continuously investigated during the 20th and early 21st century by many atmospheric and medical scientists. The monitoring of the air ionization for Suceava Metropolitan Area (AMSv) was performed with the PC Connectable Highly Accurate Air Ion Counter Tester COM-3200PRO II. So far, we have monitored the aeroion load in the AMSv atmosphere at 34 points, in two time sequences in two representative winter and spring months (in the intervals 08-09 respectively 15-16 January 2021 and 25-27 March 2022), at different times of the day, on active surfaces differentiated in properties, to capture their role in the aeroionization process and also the temporal, but especially spatial differentiations of aeroion levels induced by them. At each point, on each day in January and March, the determinations were made in 10-minute time sequences (4 x 10-minute sequences for negative ions plus 4 x 10-minute sequences for positive ions for January 2022 - in total 40 minutes for negative ions and 40 minutes for positive ions; 3 x 10-minute sequences for negative ions plus 3 x 10-minute sequences for positive ions for March 2022 - in total 30 minutes for negative ions and 30 minutes for positive ions). The average level of the positive aeroions averaged over the whole AMSv was 665.65/cm3 air in the interval 08-09, respectively 15-16 January 2022 and 476.56/cm3 air in the interval 25-27 March 2022, and that of negative aeroions was 119.09/cm3 air in the interval 08-09, respectively 15-16 January 2022 and 295.16 cm3 air in the interval 25-27 March 2022. Certain geographical features (presence of areas covered with spontaneous vegetation of grasses, shrubs, trees - at the observation dates these were not being in the vegetation stage - or aquatic, compared to highly humanized and industrialized areas) and temporary local manifestations of the meteorological processes (intervals with wind intensities or solar radiative flux intensities, etc.) generated aeroion concentrations (positive/negative) that deviated positively in a large extent from the average values. By comparing our results with other results, we can state that the aeroion levels in the AMSv fall within the normal values considered for the relief step in which it is located, but the deviations, sometimes particularly large, were influenced by local characteristics of the active surface and socio-economic activities, as well as by the local manifestations of some meteorological phenomena, such as gusty winds.