Trăsături de personalitate ale persoanelor cu comportamente adictive
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2024-05-19 13:43
SM ISO690:2012
CUCER, Angela, HOIDRAG, Traian. Trăsături de personalitate ale persoanelor cu comportamente adictive. In: Creativitatea şi dezvoltarea personală: dimensiuni psihologice și filozofice, 1 octombrie 2020, Iași. Iași, România: Editura PERFORMANTICA, 2020, Ediția a-XI-a, Vol. I, pp. 73-80. ISBN 978-606-685-717-8.
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Dublin Core
Creativitatea şi dezvoltarea personală: dimensiuni psihologice și filozofice
Ediția a-XI-a, Vol. I, 2020
Conferința "Conferința Științifică Internațională ”Creativitatea și dezvoltarea personală”"
Iași, Moldova, 1 octombrie 2020

Trăsături de personalitate ale persoanelor cu comportamente adictive

Personality traits of people with addictive behaviors

Pag. 73-80

Cucer Angela1, Hoidrag Traian2
1 Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei,
2 Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău
Disponibil în IBN: 7 iunie 2021


The present paper brings attention to the risk factors associated with addictive behaviors among which the personality traits are mentioned; they are correlated with obtaining positive results after attending psychological counseling sessions. Our presentation aims to analyze the significance, evolution and possible correlations of each personality trait from the Big Five model with the addictive behaviors and positive results. Thus, from what we have identified and analyzed in the literature, we can say that there is a relationship between high neuroticism, low conscientiousness and addictive behaviors, except for addiction to work, study and exercise, which are present in people with neuroticism and high conscientiousness. Regarding the achievement and maintenance of abstinence from substance use, respectively of positive changes in medical, psychological and social terms, we believe that they are characteristic for people with low neuroticism and high conscientiousness. The other personality traits (Extraversion, Openness to Experience and Agreability) contribute either to the potentiation of positive results or to the increase of negative effects, such as refusal of psychological intervention, abandonment of counseling, relapse into substance use and comorbidities. Personality assessment can contribute both to the identification of the particular elements of the person in order to prevent addictive behaviors, and to the planning of individualized counseling programs and implicitly to the achievement of improved results.

addictive behaviors, addictions, personality, addictions, traits