Evaluarea stării sanitaro-tehnice a condiţiilor de muncă la Fabrica de Panificaţie SA „CahulPan” din Cahul
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SM ISO690:2012
DUNAS, Tudor. Evaluarea stării sanitaro-tehnice a condiţiilor de muncă la Fabrica de Panificaţie SA „CahulPan” din Cahul. In: Inovaţia: factor al dezvoltării social-economice, 22 decembrie 2017, Cahul. Cahul, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” din C, 2017, pp. 159-165. ISBN 978-9975-88-025-1.
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Dublin Core
Inovaţia: factor al dezvoltării social-economice 2017
Conferința "Inovaţia: factor al dezvoltării social-economice"
Cahul, Moldova, 22 decembrie 2017

Evaluarea stării sanitaro-tehnice a condiţiilor de muncă la Fabrica de Panificaţie SA „CahulPan” din Cahul

Pag. 159-165

Dunas Tudor
Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu“, Cahul
Disponibil în IBN: 22 martie 2021


Assessing the sanitary and technical condition of the working conditions of workers in industrial enterprises is a major necessity, which aims not only at preventing prophylaxis, but also rescuing many human lives from the occurrence of work accidents and professional illnesses that clearly affect health and greatly diminish work performance of the subjects involved in the work process. The research of the possible harmful factors of the working environment, depending on the technological process at the bakery factory "CahulPan", allows to elucidate the real situation in the context of the exposed ones, but also to elaborate the respective measures for removing the shortcomings expressed by deviations from the norms health. On the other hand, measuring microclimate parameters, noise and lighting at the factory in question for engineering specialty students is a very erogenous interactive process of studying the course "Safety and Health at Work" and the implementation of the knowledge gained in the production practice.

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<title xml:lang='ro'>Evaluarea stării sanitaro-tehnice a condiţiilor de muncă la Fabrica de Panificaţie SA &bdquo;CahulPan&rdquo; din Cahul</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Assessing the sanitary and technical condition of the working conditions of workers in industrial enterprises is a major necessity, which aims not only at preventing prophylaxis, but also rescuing many human lives from the occurrence of work accidents and professional illnesses that clearly affect health and greatly diminish work performance of the subjects involved in the work process. The research of the possible harmful factors of the working environment, depending on the technological process at the bakery factory &quot;CahulPan&quot;, allows to elucidate the real situation in the context of the exposed ones, but also to elaborate the respective measures for removing the shortcomings expressed by deviations from the norms health. On the&nbsp;other hand, measuring microclimate parameters, noise and lighting at the factory in question for engineering specialty students is a very erogenous interactive process of studying the course &quot;Safety and Health at Work&quot; and the implementation of the knowledge gained in the production practice.</p></description>