Solitude and loneliness. A deep and comparative theoretical study of these two human feelings
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364.274 (5)
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SM ISO690:2012
SIMION, Dănuţ. Solitude and loneliness. A deep and comparative theoretical study of these two human feelings. In: The contemporary issues of the socio-humanistic sciences, Ed. 11, 3-4 decembrie 2020, Chişinău. Chişinău: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2020, Ediția 11, pp. 36-37. ISBN 978-9975-3471-0-5.
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The contemporary issues of the socio-humanistic sciences
Ediția 11, 2020
Conferința "The Contemporary Issues of the Socio-Humanistic Sciences : International Scientific Conference, 11th Edition:"
11, Chişinău, Moldova, 3-4 decembrie 2020

Solitude and loneliness. A deep and comparative theoretical study of these two human feelings

CZU: 364.274

Pag. 36-37

Simion Dănuţ
Free International University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 2 februarie 2021


With interest we note how the feeling of loneliness is so common today and more clearly defined in the literature than solitude. However, there is a big difference between solitude and loneliness, although the two terms are often used as one and the same, but both generate extremely different experiences. In loneliness it feels that something is missing, it appears in the form of a negative state of a feeling of isolation. Loneliness is harsh as a punishment, a state of deficiency, of dissatisfaction marked by a feeling of alienation from the world, an awareness of excessive loneliness. You are among people, you interact with them and you can still feel alone. The feeling is tumultuous and mostly depressing. Solitude on the other hand is the state of being alone without being truly alone but it is a time used for reflection, inner search, growth or pleasure of any kind. The feeling is generally a positive and constructive one of self-commitment. Solitude induces a special peace that results from a state of inner wealth, a feeling of satisfaction. Solitude is refreshing for life's challenges. It allows us to cultivate and develop it and to reach the position of leading our own life. Solitude is something you can choose to do that restores body and mind. Loneliness instead is imposed on you by others; society, work or even family and friends, she exhausts you. In this article we try to determine evolution and differences and similarities too between these two feelings.

solitude, loneliness, comparative theoretical study

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Simion, D.S.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='en'>Solitude and loneliness. A deep and comparative theoretical study of these two human feelings</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>With interest we note how the feeling of loneliness is so common today and more clearly defined in the literature than solitude. However, there is a big difference between solitude and loneliness, although the two terms are often used as one and the same, but both generate extremely different experiences. In loneliness it feels that something is missing, it appears in the form of a negative state of a feeling of isolation. Loneliness is harsh as a punishment, a state of deficiency, of dissatisfaction marked by a feeling of alienation from the world, an awareness of excessive loneliness. You are among people, you interact with them and you can still feel alone. The feeling is tumultuous and mostly depressing. Solitude on the other hand is the state of being alone without being truly alone but it is a time used for reflection, inner search, growth or pleasure of any kind. The feeling is generally a positive and constructive one of self-commitment. Solitude induces a special peace that results from a state of inner wealth, a feeling of satisfaction. Solitude is refreshing for life&#39;s challenges. It allows us to cultivate and develop it and to reach the position of leading our own life. Solitude is something you can choose to do that restores body and mind. Loneliness instead is imposed on you by others; society, work or&nbsp;even family and friends, she exhausts you. In this article we try to determine evolution and differences and similarities too between these two feelings.</p></description>