Asistența medico-socială – dimensiune practică a securiității sănătății
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2024-01-27 12:11
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364.2 (93)
Probleme sociale care reclamă ajutor și asistență. Tipuri de ajutoare sociale (550)
SM ISO690:2012
STRATAN, Valentina, PROCA, Maria. Asistența medico-socială – dimensiune practică a securiității sănătății. In: Probleme ale științelor socioumanistice și modernizării învățământului, Ed. 22, 8-9 octombrie 2020, Chişinău. Chişinău: CEP UPS „I.Creangă”, 2020, Seria 22, Vol.1, pp. 239-245. ISBN 978-9975-46-450-5.
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Dublin Core
Probleme ale științelor socioumanistice și modernizării învățământului
Seria 22, Vol.1, 2020
Conferința "Probleme ale științelor socioumanistice și modernizării învățământului"
22, Chişinău, Moldova, 8-9 octombrie 2020

Asistența medico-socială – dimensiune practică a securiității sănătății

CZU: 364.2

Pag. 239-245

Stratan Valentina, Proca Maria
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău
Disponibil în IBN: 21 decembrie 2020


In any society, some people face situations of risk more acutely and are unable to ensure both and a decent living and care, but who was guaranteed the right to minimal health care, according to the concept of human security and implicitly that of health security. Through this approach, we wanted to show that medical and social assistance is not only a practical dimension of health security but an area through which state investments transformed into sustainable development of society and national security.

social assistance, medical and social assistance, health security

Cerif XML Export

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<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>In any society, some people face situations of risk more acutely and are unable to ensure both and a decent living and care, but who was guaranteed the right to minimal health care, according to the concept of human security and implicitly that of health security. Through this approach, we wanted to show that medical and social assistance is not only a practical dimension of health security but an area through which state investments transformed into sustainable development of society and national security.</p></cfAbstr>