Lacurile de acumulare ale Nistrului – posibilităţi şi probleme
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713 4
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-02-20 18:36
SM ISO690:2012
SPĂTARU, Petru, SPÎNU, Oxana, BUZILA, Silvia, MAFTULEAC, Alexei, POVAR, Igor. Lacurile de acumulare ale Nistrului – posibilităţi şi probleme. In: Интегрированное управление трансграничным бассейном Днестра: Платформа для сотрудничества и современные вызовы, 26-27 octombrie 2017, Tiraspol. Tiraspol: Eco-TIRAS, 2017, Ediția a VIII-a, pp. 352-355. ISBN 978-9975-66-591-9.
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Dublin Core
Интегрированное управление трансграничным бассейном Днестра
Ediția a VIII-a, 2017
Conferința "Интегрированное управление трансграничным бассейном Днестра"
Tiraspol, Moldova, 26-27 octombrie 2017

Lacurile de acumulare ale Nistrului – posibilităţi şi probleme

The Dniester Reservoirs – opportunities and challenges

Pag. 352-355

Spătaru Petru, Spînu Oxana, Buzila Silvia, Maftuleac Alexei, Povar Igor
Institutul de Chimie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 14 august 2020


This paper describes the current situation of the reservoirs constructed on the Nistru River. A series of serious damages caused by the blocking the river dams have been analyzed, as the degeneration of large areas used in agriculture, forestry and pasture lands, resulting in worsening conditions for the reproduction of precious fish species, mudslinging and lowering of the active water accumulation volume, secondary pollution in proportions that exceeds self-sufficiency, greening, etc. The negative effects described and analyzed here continue to worsen. For example, putting into service of the pumped storage power plant from Naslavcea, near the dam, has further aggravated the ecological disaster. The authors have pointed out that the use of older methods, inherited from the periods of authoritarian administration, focused on the principle of subjecting at all costs the nature and its resources, in order to obtain as many benefits as possible without taking into considerations the possible consequence, inevitably creates major environmental problems, the solution of which increasingly difficult, costly and even impossible in some cases.

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