Strategii etologice de adaptare a două specii de microtine în landșaftul antropizat
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438 0
SM ISO690:2012
SÎTNIC, Veaceslav. Strategii etologice de adaptare a două specii de microtine în landșaftul antropizat. In: Интегрированное управление трансграничным бассейном Днестра: Платформа для сотрудничества и современные вызовы, 26-27 octombrie 2017, Tiraspol. Tiraspol: Eco-TIRAS, 2017, Ediția a VIII-a, pp. 343-347. ISBN 978-9975-66-591-9.
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Интегрированное управление трансграничным бассейном Днестра
Ediția a VIII-a, 2017
Conferința "Интегрированное управление трансграничным бассейном Днестра"
Tiraspol, Moldova, 26-27 octombrie 2017

Strategii etologice de adaptare a două specii de microtine în landșaftul antropizat

Pag. 343-347

Sîtnic Veaceslav
Institutul de Zoologie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 14 august 2020


Ethological strategies of adaptation of two microtine species in the anthropic landscape. The paper studies the behaviour of the twin species of microtine and their adaptive potential. The individuals that colonize cereal crops in winter reproduce and survive better than those that remain on the fields with perennial grasses after the peak phase. In summer, once the wheat is ripe, independent of their density, the individuals spread on forage crops fields, as well as on the fields with corn, beet, etc., that are not typical of microtine. Thus, the majority of migrants stops reproducing and are, consequently, eliminated.