Lista publicaţiilor în perioada: 1994-2024, Italia - 3
Revista: Crystal Growth and Design

2020 - 1

Aggregation of a Giant Bean-like {Mn26Dy6} Heterometallic Oxo-Hydroxo-Carboxylate Nanosized Cluster from a Hexanuclear {Mn6} Precursor
Darii Mariana Nicolae, Kravtsov Victor, Kramer Karl W, Hauser J, Decurtins Silvio , Liu Shi-Xia, Affronte M., Baca Svetlana Grigori
Institute of Applied Physics,
University of Bern,
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena
Crystal Growth and Design
Nr. 1(20) / 2020 / ISSN 1528-7483
Disponibil online 12 March, 2020

2019 - 1

Versatility of Cyclic Triimidazole to Assemble 1D, 2D, and 3D Cu(I) Halide Coordination Networks
Lucenti Elena, Cariati Elena, Previtali A., Marinotto D., Forni Alessandra , Bold Victor Mihail, Kravtsov Victor, Fonari Marina Semion, Galli Simona , Carlucci L.
ISTM-CNR, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari,
Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali,
University of Milan,
Institute of Applied Physics,
Necunoscută, Italia
Crystal Growth and Design
Nr. 3(19) / 2019 / ISSN 1528-7483
Disponibil online 26 March, 2019

2016 - 1

Discrete Complexes and One-Dimensional Coordination Polymers with [Cu(II)(2,2’-bpy]2+and [Cu(II)(phen]2+ Corner Fragments: Insight into Supramolecular Structure and Optical Properties
Melnik E., Coropceanu Eduard, Forni Alessandra , Cariati Elena, Kulikova Olga, Siminel Anatolii, Kravtsov Victor, Fonari Marina Semion
Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Italia,
University of Milan,
New Mexico Highlands University, Department of Chemistry, Las Vegas
Crystal Growth and Design
Nr. 11(16) / 2016 / ISSN 1528-7483
Disponibil online 7 November, 2017

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