
Rezultatele Căutării

Afisarea articolelor 1-0(3) pentru indicele czu "598.2(498)"
Diversitatea ornitofaunei în sectorul superior al bazinului râului Bârlad (Vaslui, România)
CZU : 598.2(498)
Gălușcă Genoveva-Anca, Gache Carmen
Acta et commentationes (Ştiinţe Exacte și ale Naturii)
Nr. 1(7) / 2019 / ISSN 2537-6284 /ISSNe 2587-3644
Assessment of the ecological conditions offered by decidous stands from the northern Romania for the avian populations
CZU : 630*18+502.742:598.2(498)
Măciucă Anca, Dănilă Alin
Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Nr. 2 / 2019 / ISSN 1843-5971 /ISSNe 2284-7820
Relationship between environmental features and bird assemblages in the wetlands of eastern Romania
CZU : 502.742:598.2(498)
Ion Constantin, Baltag Emanuel, Ursu Adrian, Sfîcă Lucian, Ignat Alina Elena, Stoleriu Cristian Constantin
Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Nr. 1 / 2019 / ISSN 1843-5971 /ISSNe 2284-7820
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