
Afiliat la Ministerul Educației, Culturii și Cercetării

2020 - 3

The phenomenon of the relationship of folklore with written literature
Niţă-Cocieru Mariana
Identities in Globalisation. Intercultural Perspectives Literature
Ediția a 7-a, Lite. 2020. Tîrgu Mureş, România. The Alpha Institute for Multicultural Studies. 779-785.
Disponibil online 12 October, 2020
The folkloric intertextuality of the cosmogonic element air in the Romanian prose of the sixties writers from Bessarabia
Niţă-Cocieru Mariana
Journal of Romanian Literary Studies
Nr. 20 / 2020 / ISSN 2248-3004
Disponibil online 3 November, 2020
The folkloristicvision of investigation of intertextualized ethnofolkloric constituents in artistic prose: conceptual framework and various approaches
Niţă-Cocieru Mariana
Journal of Romanian Literary Studies
Nr. 21 / 2020 / ISSN 2248-3004
Disponibil online 12 October, 2020

2019 - 3

The artistic transfiguration of the cosmogonic htonian element in the romanian prose of Bessarabia
Niţă-Cocieru Mariana
Journal of Romanian Literary Studies
Nr. 19 / 2019 / ISSN 2248-3004
Disponibil online 3 November, 2020
Valorificarea cântecului folcloric în proza română din Basarabia
Niţă-Cocieru Mariana
Journal of Romanian Literary Studies
Nr. 16 / 2019 / ISSN 2248-3004
Disponibil online 3 November, 2020
The intensity of the ethnofolcloric constituents in the rural inspiration prose from Bessarabia
Niţă-Cocieru Mariana
Journal of Romanian Literary Studies
Nr. 18 / 2019 / ISSN 2248-3004
Disponibil online 3 November, 2020

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