
Afisarea articolelor 1-4(4) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "decellularization"
Evaluation of Ultrasound Application for the Decellularization of Small Caliber Vessels
Malcova Tatiana1, Nacu Viorel1, Rojnoveanu Gheorghe1, Birgit Andree2, Hilfiker Andres2
1 ”Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
IFMBE Proceedings
Ediția 5, Vol.87. 2022. Chişinău. ISSN 16800737.
Disponibil online 29 January, 2022. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-392
Experimental study in obtaining of a vascularised composite bone extracellular matrix
Stoian Alina12, Pavlovschi Elena2, Verega Grigore1, Birgit Andree3, Hilfiker Andres3, Nacu Viorel12
1 ”Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
2 Laboratory of tissue engineering and cell culture, USMF,
Cells and tissues transplantation. Actualities and perspectives
2023. Chişinău. ISBN 978-9975-82-313-5 (PDF).
Disponibil online 10 July, 2023. Descarcări-1. Vizualizări-247
Decellularization combined with enzymatic removal of N-linked glycans and residual DNA reduces inflammatory response and improves performance of porcine xenogeneic pulmonary heart valves in an ovine in vivo model
Ramm Robert1, Goecke Tobias1, Theodoridis Karolina1, Hoeffler Klaus2, Sarikouch Samir2, Findeisen Katja1, Ciubotaru Anatol23, Cebotari Serghei1, Tudorache Igor1, Haverich Axel1, Hilfiker Andres1
2 Hannover Medical School,
3 ”Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Nr. 2(27) / 2020 / ISSN 0908-665X /ISSNe 1399-3089
Disponibil online 15 October, 2020. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-556
Successful decellularization of porcine aorta for acellular scaffold generation with the purpose of blood vessels tissue engineeing
Malcova Tatiana1, Nacu Viorel1, Rojnoveanu Gheorghe1, Birgit Andree2, Hilfiker Andres2
Cercetarea în biomedicină și sănătate: calitate, excelență și performanță
2021. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. ISBN 978-9975-82-223-7 (PDF)..
Disponibil online 10 December, 2021. Descarcări-4. Vizualizări-355

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