
Afișare rezultate

SM ISO690:2012
Afisarea articolelor 1-2(2) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "pearl millet"
The quality of green mass and the silage from pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum, growing under the conditions of the Republic of Moldova
Ţiţei Victor1, Coşman Sergiu12, Coşman Valentina12, Cozari Sergiu1
1 National Botanical Garden (Institute) "Alexandru Ciubotaru",
2 Scientific and practical institute of Biotechnologies in Animal Husbandry Veterinari Medicine
Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture
Ed. 1, Section 3. 2022. București, România. ISSN 2457-3221 ISSN-L 2457-3221.
Disponibil online 28 November, 2022. Descarcări-8. Vizualizări-317
The quality of green mass and the silage from pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum, growing under the conditions of the Republic of Moldova
Ţiţei Victor1, Coşman Sergiu12, Coşman Valentina12, Cozari Sergiu1
1 National Botanical Garden (Institute) "Alexandru Ciubotaru",
Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science
Nr. 1(65) / 2022 / ISSN 2285-5750 /ISSNe 2393-2260
Disponibil online 15 November, 2022. Descarcări-16. Vizualizări-352

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