Teaching, Learning and Assessment as Components of Didactic Process in the Context of Formation and Development of Oral Communicative Competences
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SM ISO690:2012
CHIRDEACHIN, Alexei, BABÂRĂ, Nicanor, SULAC, Sofia, BABĂRĂ, Eugenia. Teaching, Learning and Assessment as Components of Didactic Process in the Context of Formation and Development of Oral Communicative Competences. In: Dunărea – Nistru: Anuar , 25 octombrie 2019, Taraclia. Taraclia: Universitatea de Stat Taraclia “Grigorii Ţamblac”, 2019, Vol. 6, pp. 360-365. ISBN 978-9975-9568-8-8. ISSN 1857-2758.
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Dunărea – Nistru: Anuar
Vol. 6, 2019
Conferința "Dunărea – Nistru: Anuar "
Taraclia, Moldova, 25 octombrie 2019

Teaching, Learning and Assessment as Components of Didactic Process in the Context of Formation and Development of Oral Communicative Competences

Pag. 360-365

Chirdeachin Alexei1, Babâră Nicanor2, Sulac Sofia2, Babără Eugenia3
1 Taraclia State University “Grigore Tsamblack”,
2 Comrat State University,
3 "Ion Creangă" State Pedagogical University from Chisinau
Disponibil în IBN: 31 decembrie 2019


Current legislative and curricular requirements stipulate the formation of competences as the final goal of the didactic process. In the case of language teaching and learning, it involves the formation and development of communicative competences. Teaching, learning and assessment are the components of the didactical process the role of which in the process of the formation and development of communicative competences has to be made precise. In this context, the presentation addresses issues related to teaching, learning and assessment as components of the didactical process in the context of the formation and development of oral communicative competences.

language teaching, didactic process, communicative competences, learning, assessment

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<creatorName>Babâră, N.M.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Sulac, S.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Babără, E.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
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