Abordări generale privind competenţele autorităţilor publice locale în atragerea investiţiilor
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SM ISO690:2012
BUZDUGAN, Adriana. Abordări generale privind competenţele autorităţilor publice locale în atragerea investiţiilor. In: Analele Universităţii Libere Internaţionale din Moldova (Seria Economie), 2012, nr. 12, pp. 240-249. ISSN 1857-1468.
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Dublin Core
Analele Universităţii Libere Internaţionale din Moldova (Seria Economie)
Numărul 12 / 2012 / ISSN 1857-1468

Abordări generale privind competenţele autorităţilor publice locale în atragerea investiţiilor

Pag. 240-249

Buzdugan Adriana
Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 2 noiembrie 2016


Moldova is a small in scale geographic distances between communities and regional planning and the right minor. However, these distances have no beneficial role to strengthen the economic integration of the country as long as some communities in practice are isolated from each other because of poor transport infrastructure and because these communities are not attractive as a place to live, which results in the long run, the depreciation of human capital and productive.

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'>Moldova is a small in scale geographic distances between communities and regional planning and the right minor. However, these distances have no beneficial role to strengthen the economic integration of the country as long as some communities in practice are isolated from each other because  of poor transport infrastructure and because these communities are not attractive as a place to live, which results in the long run, the depreciation of human capital and productive. </description>