Financial management of agricultural higher education in the Republic of Moldova
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CIMPOIEŞ, Liliana, SÂRBU, Olga. Financial management of agricultural higher education in the Republic of Moldova. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării, Ed. 17, 12-13 octombrie 2023, Chișinău. Chisinau, Moldova: Departamentul Editorial-Poligrafic al ASEM, 2023, Ediția 17, p. 24. DOI:
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Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării
Ediția 17, 2023
Conferința "Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării"
17, Chișinău, Moldova, 12-13 octombrie 2023

Financial management of agricultural higher education in the Republic of Moldova

CZU: 338.439.5:339.562(478)
JEL: I20, M10, M11, Q54

Pag. 24-24

Cimpoieş Liliana1, Sârbu Olga2
1 Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,
2 Technical University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 27 noiembrie 2023


The educational system plays a pivotal role in fostering sustainable development and cultivating a knowledge-based society. A primary goal of the higher education system is to equip individuals with the skills and competencies essential for success in the workforce and the pursuit of a fulfilling professional trajectory. Moldova faces substantial obstacles in the field of agricultural education and research, related to aging teaching and research workforce, a diminishing enrollment in agricultural programs, and a disinterest in science and education among its youth. Consequently, these challenges collectively contribute to a shortage of skilled agricultural labor. This paper aims to assess the current economic and financial state of Moldova's agricultural higher education system by examining data collected from the State Agrarian University of Moldova. The analysis will center on various economic and financial management indicators, such as income, expenditure, revenue, and profit. The analyzed data are from 2017 to 2021. Most of the funding for the agricultural higher education institution came from budget sources, accounting for approximately 73% of the total revenue. These budgetary resources were allocated for educational services, primarily covering undergraduate education. Income from research and innovation projects, while relatively modest compared to other sources, showed opportunities for growth through grants and donations from different organizations. Among expenses, personnel costs register the largest share. Increasing revenues and reducing expenses are fundamental strategies for enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of any organization, including agronomic higher education institutions and enterprises. Diversification of income sources, research and innovations, efficient resource utilization are some revenues increases sources. Expenses reduction is possible through cost control, energy and resource efficiency, maintenance and asset management, budget planning, personnel management etc.

The livestock of pigs has decreased significantly in farms specialized in raising pigs in the country, the cause being the coronavirus pandemic. Demand also fell for all pork products requested by both restaurants and picnics. Another cause that contributed to the reduction of the cattle herd was the increase in the price of fodder, as well as energy resources. Domestic meat production does not provide what is needed for processing factories. As a result, pork is imported because supplies are constant, the price is lower than for domestic production, and the quality is good. The Covid-19 pandemic caused an increase in meat processing expenses, as it was necessary to divide the workforce into shifts. The increase in expenses was also caused by the fact that hygiene products and special equipment were purchased for employees, but also for the repeated testing of employees. Imported meat is mostly frozen. This is stored for a long period of time to later be sold at high prices when there is a shortage of raw material on the domestic market. In 2021, compared to 2011, beef was imported more than 4 times, beef – 2,5 times, and poultry - 2 times. The Republic of Moldova imports meat from such countries as: Ukraine, Germany, Russia, Poland, Romania, Hungary. Unfortunately, domestic beef is exported, and Moldovans consume imported meat. Moldovans prefer to eat pork.

Agricultural higher education, management, agricultural education-research system

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