The magnetic field used in incubation technology of hen and quail eggs
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SM ISO690:2012
SCRIPNIC, Elena, SCRIPNIC, Iurie, MODVALĂ, Susana. The magnetic field used in incubation technology of hen and quail eggs. In: Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, 2010, nr. 1(53), pp. 198-203. ISSN 2285-5750.
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Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science
Numărul 1(53) / 2010 / ISSN 2285-5750 /ISSNe 2393-2260

The magnetic field used in incubation technology of hen and quail eggs

CZU: 636.5.082.474

Pag. 198-203

Scripnic Elena, Scripnic Iurie, Modvală Susana
State Agrarian University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 17 februarie 2022


In recent years, was found that factors such as ultraviolet and visible rays, laser irradiation, air ionization, magnetic field and their combination can stimulate the metabolic processes in biological objects, for example, improve the quality of hatching eggs, output and viability of young birds. For eggs sanitation processing are used different modes with different intensities of irradiation. It was formed two experimental groups and one control group in hens’ eggs and two experimental and one control in quail eggs. Incubation results showed that maximum hatchability of hen eggs were obtained in experimental groups and it were 95.1% and 92.6% also compared with the control group increased by 5.5% and 3.0%. The experience developed with quail eggs in the same experimental groups the hatchability were 93.5% and 93.7% or 3.3% and 3.5% higher compared with control. Maximum effect in experiments with chicken eggs proved to be covered by continuous irradiation mode with a duration of 10 min., and in the experience with quail eggs maximum effect was in the experimental group where was used fractionated irradiation mode with a duration of 10 min.

magnetic field, hen eggs, quail eggs, hatchability

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'>The magnetic field used in incubation technology of hen and quail eggs</cfTitle>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'>magnetic field; hen eggs; quail eggs; hatchability</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>In recent years, was found that factors such as ultraviolet and visible rays, laser irradiation, air ionization, magnetic field and their combination can stimulate the metabolic processes in biological objects, for example, improve the quality of hatching eggs, output and viability of young birds. For eggs sanitation processing are used different modes with different intensities of irradiation. It was formed two experimental groups and one control group in hens&rsquo; eggs and two experimental and one control in quail eggs. Incubation results showed that maximum hatchability of hen eggs were obtained in experimental groups and it were 95.1% and 92.6% also compared with the control group increased by 5.5% and 3.0%. The experience developed with quail eggs in the same experimental groups the hatchability were 93.5% and 93.7% or 3.3% and 3.5% higher compared with control. Maximum effect in experiments with chicken eggs proved to be covered by continuous irradiation mode with a duration of 10 min., and in the experience with quail eggs maximum effect was in the experimental group where was used fractionated irradiation mode with a duration of 10 min.</p></cfAbstr>