Lista publicaţiilor: Ţiţei Victor Gheorghe - 2

2020 - 2

The new cultivar „ARGENTINA” of Columbus grass, Sorghum almum Parodi
Ţiţei Victor Gheorghe, Teleuţă Alexandru Stefan
National Botanical Garden (Institute) "Alexandru Ciubotaru"
Exhibition of Inventics “Inventica 2020”
Ediția a 24-a. 2020. Iași. Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iași. 492-492.
Disponibil online 13 December, 2020
The new cultivar „TITAN” of Giant miscanthus, Miscanthus × giganteus J. M. Greef and Deuter ex Hodk. And Renvoize
Ţiţei Victor Gheorghe, Teleuţă Alexandru Stefan
National Botanical Garden (Institute) "Alexandru Ciubotaru"
Exhibition of Inventics “Inventica 2020”
Ediția a 24-a. 2020. Iași. Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iași. 491-491.
Disponibil online 13 December, 2020

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