
Afiliat la Institutul Național de Cercetare – Dezvoltare în Construcții, Urbanism și Dezvoltare Teritorială Durabilă URBAN – INCERC

2020 - 1

Larger peak ground accelerations in extra-Carpathian area than in epicenter
Mărmureanu Gheorghe , Borcia Ioan-Sorin , Mărmureanu Alexandru , Cioflan Carmen Ortanza , Dragos Toma Danila , Ilieş Ion , Craiu George Marius , Stoian Irina
Romanian Journal of Physics
Nr. 5-6(65) / 2020 / ISSN 1221-146X
Disponibil online 13 October, 2020

2015 - 1

A holistic and integrative concept for strong-motion records on constructions of the URBAN-INCERC national seismic network
Dragomir Claudiu-Sorin , Meita Vasile , Dobre Daniela , Georgescu Emil-Sever , Borcia Ioan-Sorin
Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Nr. 2 / 2015 / ISSN 1843-5971 / ISSNe 2284-7820
Disponibil online 14 June, 2020

2012 - 1

The SP VRANCEA NT Database with results from the processing of VRANCEA earthquake records obtained at ground level. examples of use: seismic records obtained in the Republic of Moldova
Borcia Ioan-Sorin , Craifaleanu Iolanda-Gabriela , Tanase Florenta Nicoleta , Praun Ioan Constantin , Dragomir Claudiu-Sorin , Dobre Daniela , Georgescu Emil-Sever
Buletinul INCERCOM
Nr. 3 / 2012 / ISSN 1857-3762
Disponibil online 7 October, 2020

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