Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineMedicină, 2021
Conferința științifică națională cu participare internațională ”Forum al recuperării fizice medicale Chisinău”
Potapenco Roman
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
Utilizarea și eficiența cestionarelor, anchetelor, testelor fizice, in practica profesională a kinetoterapeuților și terapeuților manuali – pentru recuperarea fizică a pacientilor care suferă de dureri de spate. Evaluarea procesului de recuperare fizică medicală în dinamică
Potapenco Roman
Universitatea de Studii Politice şi Economice Europene „Constantin Stere”
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
Средства реабилитации при ожирении
Русу Евгений
Medkinetica Asociația Kinetoterapeuților şi Terapeuţilor Manuali
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
Temporomandibular disorders
Cebotaru Vasile
State University of Physical Education and Sport
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
Efficacy of combined dry needling treatment and manual therapy in myofascial pain syndrome associated with partial supraspinatus tendon rupture
Mazareanu Alexandru
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
Testarea și evaluarea în fizioterapie actualizata la anul 2021 din perspectiva kinetic recovery education avînd la baza integrarea modelului mecano și neurocentric
Gheorghiță Daniel
Necunoscută, România
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
Fenomenul de inhibiție musculară de cauză artrogenă
Gheorghiță Daniel
Necunoscută, România
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
Rolul kinetoterapiei si al terapiei ocupationale in recuperarea luxatiei congenitale de șold
Strugariu Cezar
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
Podometry in scoliosis. Evaluation protocols and patterns
Dimitriu Bogdan
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
Educarea buco-facială la copilul cu paralizie cerebrală
Căciulan Elena
Kineto Dema Spine
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
The educational therapeutic benefits of sensory therapy for special education students
Budeancă-Babolea Oana Bianca
Centrul Școlar pentru Educație Incluzivă „Sf. Vasile” Craiova
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
Topic of the report: presentation of Evminov’s method and why physical therapy is recommended for degenerative dystrophic diseases of the spine
Sobko Irina
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
Is there a place for virtual physical therapy In severe trauma patients? Serial cases from “Lock-down”
Dragoi Iulia Iovanca1, Popescu Florina Georgeta2
1 Fast Fizio Clinic, Centre of musculoskeletal physiotherapy, Timișoara,
2 Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timişoara
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
”Physical therapy for lesions of the intervertebral discs
Agranov Alexander
Yuriy Fedkovych National University of Chernivtsi
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
The technology and features of the warm-up depending on the focus of the training session
Dovghih Alexandr
National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.
Cerebral ischemic conditioning is a possible mechanism of favorable rehabilitation in ischemic stroke
Pleşcan Tatiana12
1 Medpark International Hospital,
2 Diomid Gherman Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicineVolum de rezumate
2021. Chişinău. ISSN 2587-3709.

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