International Conference in Applied Ethics and Integrity in Doctoral Conduct and ResearchFilosofie.
The role of the Myth of Artificial Intelligence in Hi-Tech society
Duca Mihail
Moldova State University
International Conference in Applied Ethics and Integrity in Doctoral Conduct and Research
2022. Suceava, România.
The Philosophy of communicative discourse
Guragata Sorin
Moldova State University
International Conference in Applied Ethics and Integrity in Doctoral Conduct and Research
2022. Suceava, România.
Reflections on the Information Space on the perception of Man
Parcevschi Nicolai
Moldova State University
International Conference in Applied Ethics and Integrity in Doctoral Conduct and Research
2022. Suceava, România.
The hermeneutical Ethics of questioning in Philosophy for Children
Ursu Cristina
Moldova State University
International Conference in Applied Ethics and Integrity in Doctoral Conduct and Research
2022. Suceava, România.

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