Consideraţii cu privire la dezvoltarea conceptului şi strategiei consolidării terenurilor agricole
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-12-05 20:56
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similare conform CZU
332.334:631.111(478) (2)
Utilizarea pământului/terenului (169)
Conducerea și organizarea fermelor (498)
SM ISO690:2012
HORJAN, Oleg. Consideraţii cu privire la dezvoltarea conceptului şi strategiei consolidării terenurilor agricole . In: Ştiinţa Agricolă, 2011, nr. 1, pp. 67-72. ISSN 1857-0003.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Ştiinţa Agricolă
Numărul 1 / 2011 / ISSN 1857-0003 /ISSNe 2587-3202

Consideraţii cu privire la dezvoltarea conceptului şi strategiei consolidării terenurilor agricole
CZU: 332.334:631.111(478)

Pag. 67-72

Horjan Oleg
Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 29 noiembrie 2013


The article presents data concerning the results of introducing pilot projects in 6 villages of the Republic of Moldova in 2007-2009.Asa result it was possible to accumulate the necessary experience for the extension of these activities over all the country.Simultane ously,a number of difficulties and problems have been identified and wit hout their elimination it will be difficult to accomplish these activities. In 2008,in Moldova,the Government has accepted the Program of land consolidation that was a premature step because such pilot projects haven’t been implemented yet, the Concept hasn’t been confirmed and the Strategy of land consolidation hasn’t been developed. There fore, at present, it is necessary to concentrate our efforts to develop the Concept and Strategy of land consolidation and to improve actuall egal network in this field.The factors constraining the implementation of land consolidation are taken in to consideration and some measures on their elimination are recommended.Anumber of the or etical and practical problems which require examination and solution in the future are discussed.

Agriculturall and consolidation, Land reform, Land consolidation strategy, Land consolidation concept,

Pilot projects