Women's involvement in the political, social-economic and cultural life of Bassarabia (1812–1917)
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SM ISO690:2012
GHERASIM, Cristina. Women's involvement in the political, social-economic and cultural life of Bassarabia (1812–1917). In: Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine, Ed. 8, 8-9 februarie 2024, Chişinău. Iași – Chișinău-Lviv: 2024, Ediția 9, pp. 175-176. ISSN 2558 – 894X.
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Dublin Core
Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine
Ediția 9, 2024
Conferința "Yesterday’s cultural heritage – contribution to the development of tomorrow’s sustainable society"
8, Chişinău, Moldova, 8-9 februarie 2024

Women's involvement in the political, social-economic and cultural life of Bassarabia (1812–1917)

Implicarea femeii în viața politică, social-economică și culturală a Basarabiei (1812–1917)

Pag. 175-176

Gherasim Cristina
Moldova State University
Disponibil în IBN: 10 mai 2024


In the 19th century in Bessarabia, a series of changes occurred at the level of sensitivities, morals, representations, visions, everyday and mundane models existing in the environment of the Bessarabian population, especially the nobility. Process that also targeted women. First of all, there is an increase in their role in political, social, economic and cultural life, which also led to a change in the attitude of society members (especially men) towards them. At the beginning of the 19th century, women were perceived as a method of obtaining wealth or of kinship with persons of a higher rank. Later, the attitude towards women changes, by drawing attention to their education, pensions being opened for the daughters of nobles in Chisinau or by enrolling them to study in educational institutions for girls in Odesa and Saint Petersburg. At the same time, women of noble origin from Bessarabia strengthen their positions in economic terms as well, owning large land properties. For example, on January 1, 1902, among the women owners of estates in Balti County were: Eufrosinia Veazemscoi (Pelenia – 700 dessiatins, Prajila de Sus – 300 dessiatins, Iablona Noua – 1453 dessiatins), Maria Hasan (Beşeni – 73 dessiatins), Eufrosina Andriopulo (Ezereni – 346 dessiatins), Elena Lazo (Ezereni – 458 dessiatins), Maria Dunca (Ciuciueni – 1434 dessiatins), Anastasia Chirica (Vasiliuţi), Elizabeta Vârnav (Paşcauţi and Izvoare – 321 dessiatins), Elizabeta Ciugurean (Slobozia Buteşti – 494 tithes), Ruxandra Bantâş (739 ¼ tithes), etc. During the 19th century, we identify representatives of the Bessarabian nobility involved in the social-cultural life of the region and the empire, especially in charity actions. In Bessarabia, women's welfare activity started in Odesa, with the founding, in 1829, of the Women's Welfare Society, and in 1884, in Chisinau, the first Charity Com-mittee was formed, which founded a hospital for children, this being the only one adapted for specialized treatment and infant surgery. The opening and existence of the hospital is due to some kind epitropas, among which we mention the representatives of the Catargi family, Maria Mazarachi, Ana Crupenschi, Baron Stuart's wife, Olga Catargi, Eugenia Ralli, Maria Schmidt, née Cristi, etc. At the "Red Cross" Society, Sofia Crupenschi, Tatiana Gore, Ana A. Cazimir, etc. worked with great sacrifice. These, likewise, were manifested through their literary works, the preservation of Romanian values and culture in their families.