Case studies: forensic examinations of claimed cultural heritage objects
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340.66:008 (1)
Științe auxiliare ale dreptului. Psihologie legală . Chimie legală. Medicină legală (171)
Civilizație. Cultură. Progres (854)
SM ISO690:2012
CATARAGA, Olga, PRISĂCARU (CATARAGA), Victoria, PETCOVICI, Piotr. Case studies: forensic examinations of claimed cultural heritage objects. In: Romanian Journal of Forensic Science, 2023, vol. 24, nr. 4(136), pp. 369-373. ISSN 2069-2617.
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Romanian Journal of Forensic Science
Volumul 24, Numărul 4(136) / 2023 / ISSN 2069-2617

Case studies: forensic examinations of claimed cultural heritage objects

CZU: 340.66:008

Pag. 369-373

Cataraga Olga1, Prisăcaru (Cataraga) Victoria2, Petcovici Piotr1
1 National Center for Judicial Expertise,
2 National Anticorruption Center
Disponibil în IBN: 10 ianuarie 2024


The issue of forensic assistance in cases of cultural heritage offenses is one of the top topics of discussion both in the world of magistrates and in that of judicial experts, to whom judicial bodies turn to clarify scientific tasks. The problems brought forward by the judicial bodies refer to the attribution of objects to cultural heritage. However, the vector of investigations that the judicial body will follow in order to solve the case depends on the expert's answer (the conclusion). The given situation is a difficult one, due to the fact that in the Republic of Moldova there are no judicial experts licensed in such specialty of judicial expertise. At the same time, we cannot leave the judicial process without scientific support, an activity that belongs to our professional duty, as professional judicial experts. Respectively, in our work we want to bring to your attention the solutions offered by the judicial expertise service in the Republic of Moldova in the given sense, by presenting two case studies.

judicial expertise, cultural heritage, judicial process, object of expertise, scientific support, complex expertise