The concept of economic efficiency gains in assessing the mergers in the financial market
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similare conform CZU
330.322:336.76 (1)
Dinamica economică. Circuit economic (453)
Monedă. Sistem monetar. Bănci. Bursa de mărfuri (787)
SM ISO690:2012
FUIOR, Elena, MAXIM, Ion, BEJENAR, Natalia. The concept of economic efficiency gains in assessing the mergers in the financial market. In: Contemporary Issues in Economy and Technology: CIET 2016, 16-18 iunie 2016, Split. Split, Croatia: University of Split, 2016, Ediția a 2-a, pp. S-33-S-44. ISBN 978-953-7220-25-9.
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Contemporary Issues in Economy and Technology
Ediția a 2-a, 2016
Conferința "Contemporary Issues in Economy and Technology"
Split, Croația, 16-18 iunie 2016

The concept of economic efficiency gains in assessing the mergers in the financial market

CZU: 330.322:336.76

Pag. S-33-S-44

Fuior Elena1, Maxim Ion2, Bejenar Natalia1
1 Trade Co-operative University of Moldova,
2 Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 8 decembrie 2020


Mergers in the financial market may create premises to increase the efficiency in the sector by improving the quality of the products and services provided, thus reducing production and distribution costs, ensuring risk diversification and improving the quality of management. As a result of efficiency gains, the main beneficiaries are the final consumers. In assessing the merger, a great deal of attention is given to the features of economic efficiency as a result of corporate restructuring, because they can be used as arguments in favor of diminishing the anticompetitive effects on consumers caused by the merger. In this paper, we intend to analyze the concept of economic efficiency in assessing the mergers in the financial market, the methods used to evaluate the economic efficiency gains by the competition authorities, the results of empirical research, and the international practice in this field.

tition, efficiency gains, financial market, data envelopment analysis