Colectivizarea în RSS Moldovenească: conjunctură, modalități și consecințe
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2024-05-09 06:41
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94(478) (1665)
Istoria Moldovei. Republica Moldova (69)
SM ISO690:2012
ŞIŞCANU, Ion. Colectivizarea în RSS Moldovenească: conjunctură, modalități și consecințe. In: Historia est Magistra Vitae: Valori, paradigme, personalităţi: In honorem profesor Ion Eremia, 6 octombrie 2019, Chișinău. Chișinău: Biblioteca Științifică Centrală, 2019, pp. 567-581. ISBN 978-9975-3331-2-2..
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Historia est Magistra Vitae: Valori, paradigme, personalităţi 2019
Masa rotundă "Historia est Magistra Vitae: Valori, paradigme, personalităţi"
Chișinău, Moldova, 6 octombrie 2019

Colectivizarea în RSS Moldovenească: conjunctură, modalități și consecințe

Collectivization in mssr: conjuncture, modalities and consequences

CZU: 94(478)

Pag. 567-581

Şişcanu Ion
Institutul de Istorie
Disponibil în IBN: 30 septembrie 2020


After the annexation of Bessarabia in 1940, the government of the USSR changed radically all areas of life in this area. The transformation targeted, first and foremost, peasantry which constituted the majority of the population. The Bessarabian village had to be included in the Soviet system, defined by kolkhozes. But the official course of collectivization was started at the beginning of last year in 1941. The outbreak of the German-Soviet war and the involvement of Romania in this war against the Soviet Union ended the Soviet experiments. The collectivization was resumed after the famine of 1946-1947. By February 1, 1949, in the district between Prut and Dniester, there were 678 kolkhozes, accounting for 22 percent of all peasant households. The deportation of the outsize peasant families, included in the category of „wealthy peasants”, it had to dictate the massive entrance of peasantry in the kolkhozes. Following the operations named „Iug”, 35 796 people were deported, including 9,864 men, 14,033 women, and 11,889 children. At the end of 1950, in the districts between Dniester and Prut 433,923 households or 97.0% were collectivized. Collectivization was considered over

kolkhoz, peasants, wealthy peasants, deportation, class enemy, food crisis.