Restricting climatic conditions on the eastern distribution limit of european beech (fagus sylvatica) in north-eastern Romania for the march –june interval
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551.58:582.632.2:581.1(498) (1)
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Botanică sistematică (874)
Fiziologia plantelor (538)
SM ISO690:2012
MIHĂILĂ, Dumitru, BRICIU, Andrei Emil, ROIBU, Catalin-Constantin, BISTRICEAN, Petruţ Ionel. Restricting climatic conditions on the eastern distribution limit of european beech (fagus sylvatica) in north-eastern Romania for the march –june interval. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , 2019, nr. 2, pp. 17-42. ISSN 1843-5971. DOI:
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Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Numărul 2 / 2019 / ISSN 1843-5971 /ISSNe 2284-7820

Restricting climatic conditions on the eastern distribution limit of european beech (fagus sylvatica) in north-eastern Romania for the march –june interval

CZU: 551.58:582.632.2:581.1(498)

Pag. 17-42

Mihăilă Dumitru1, Briciu Andrei Emil1, Roibu Catalin-Constantin1, Bistricean Petruţ Ionel12
1 „Ștefan cel Mare” University, Suceava,
2 National Meteorological Administration, Bucharest
Disponibil în IBN: 26 mai 2020


The meteo-climatic arguments for the eastern biogeographic limit of beech in Romania are of particular interest to forestry, but also to geographers and climatologists. This limit marks the transition from the temperate humid climate of Western and Central Europe to the temperate continental climate of Eastern Europe. Our paper provides improved knowledge on climatic conditions that restrict the longitudinal distribution of beech at temperate latitudes in north-eastern Romania. Results show that rainfall scarcity and high temperature in the March-June interval, added to temperature drop below the freezing point in April-June are the main climatic conditions that limit beech expansion eastward of this biogeographic limit.

restrictive climate, eastern beech limit, north-eastern Romania, pluviometric deficit, Growth index