Particularităţi în procesul de creare a normelor de drept internaţional
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341.217+341.64 (1)
Юридические лица и предметы международного права (1011)
Международный арбитраж. Международное судопроизводство (203)
SM ISO690:2012
CHIRTOACĂ, Natalia. Particularităţi în procesul de creare a normelor de drept internaţional. In: Revista de Știinţe Juridice, 2015, vol. 30, supl. nr. 1, pp. 68-74. ISSN 1454-3699.
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Dublin Core
Revista de Știinţe Juridice
Volumul 30, Supliment nr. 1 / 2015 / ISSN 1454-3699

Particularităţi în procesul de creare a normelor de drept internaţional

Particularities in the process of creating norms of international law

CZU: 341.217+341.64

Pag. 68-74

Chirtoacă Natalia
Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 25 aprilie 2024


International law is a consensual law, consisting of a set of legal rules that are created and supported by states that are obliged to follow them in their mutual relations. Despite the importance vested in the state in the process of creation of international norms, today there is another variety of subjects that is involved in this process and these subjects defend their own position, independently evaluating objective reality. Therefore, a new ways of creation of legal norms starts to be identifying, initial discussions being focused on finding of compromises and mutual beneficial concessions. Innovations in the process of creation of international norms are characterized by foundation of legal framework, by institutionalization of the process of creation of norms, by change of procedures of creation of conventional and customary norms, by the development of process of codification as well as the influence of this process by non-legal norms, acts of international organizations etc.

international law, volition, international norms, the process of creation of international standards norms, international relations