Dansul ritual nupțial Băsmăluța – simbolul sacru al miresei
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2023-06-06 15:27
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793.31(=135.1):392.5(478) (1)
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Obiceiuri, datini privind viața particulară (277)
SM ISO690:2012
POPA, Pavel. Dansul ritual nupțial Băsmăluța – simbolul sacru al miresei. In: Unicitate şi diversitate prin folclor: Simpozionul Internaţional Ştiinţifico-cultural, Ed. 2, 10-11 mai 2019, Chişinău. Chişinău: Tipogr. Garomont Studio, 2019, Ediția 2, pp. 171-180. ISBN 978-9975-134-66-8.
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Dublin Core
Unicitate şi diversitate prin folclor
Ediția 2, 2019
Simpozionul "Unicitate şi diversitate prin folclor"
2, Chişinău, Moldova, 10-11 mai 2019

Dansul ritual nupțial Băsmăluța – simbolul sacru al miresei

CZU: 793.31(=135.1):392.5(478)

Pag. 171-180

Popa Pavel
Institutul de Filologie Română „Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu”
Disponibil în IBN: 30 martie 2020


In this work, the author discusses several aspects related to the message and the ritual valences expressed in the contemporary bridal dance-ritual „Băsmăluța‖ („The handkerchief") in its quality of the bride symbol. The value of the handkerchief as the customary object of the „good married‖ girl, worthy to go to the dances of the village etc., as an ornament to put on icons, to sign the bridal actants, the lads who go to the army, to tie the horns of the oxen carrying the carriage with the dead person etc., traces an extended range of meanings generated by the nuptial and the initiation rites of the main actors. Referring to the „Băsmăluţa‖ ritual dance, we find that in the present it retains its identity, being one of the most relevant choreographic forms, with a message aimed at satisfying the supernatural forces, demonstrating the sacredness and the juvenile socialization function. Any such manifestation is a form of veneration and recognition of the supernatural. In this context, it is about the value of allegorically transmitted messages to highlight and contribute to the transition from the status of celibate to married, to dignity, pride and personal identity. „Basmăluța‖, according to its artistic form, is not only fun but an activity-ritual with a primordial significance, with a sober and weighted character, with a solemn, solid and conscientious appearance.

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