Two-dimensional exciton superposition states with Dirac cone dispersion laws
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Fizica materiei condensate. Fizica solidului (349)
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SM ISO690:2012
MOSKALENKO, Sveatoslav, PODLESNY, Igor, ZUBAC, Ion. Two-dimensional exciton superposition states with Dirac cone dispersion laws. In: Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences, 2019, nr. 1-4(18), pp. 5-12. ISSN 1810-648X. DOI:
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Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Numărul 1-4(18) / 2019 / ISSN 1810-648X /ISSNe 2537-6365

Two-dimensional exciton superposition states with Dirac cone dispersion laws

CZU: 538.9+539.2

Pag. 5-12

Moskalenko Sveatoslav, Podlesny Igor, Zubac Ion
Institute of Applied Physics
Disponibil în IBN: 22 martie 2020


Our review paper is dedicated to studies of two-dimensional (2D) Wannier–Mott excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides and 2D magnetoexcitons in GaAs-type quantum wells subjected to the action of a strong perpendicular magnetic field, which both revealed the Dirac cone dispersion laws. It is shown that necessary conditions for the implementation of this property to be carried out are the taking into account of the electron–hole (e–h) exchange Coulomb interaction and the interdependence between the center-of-mass and relative e–h motions in the frame of the excitons. A short review describing the effect of these two factors on the Dirac cone dispersion law formation is presented.

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