Linii consangvinizate de Salvia Sclarea L. (Șerlai)
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2022-02-17 13:29
SM ISO690:2012
BALMUŞ, Zinaida. Linii consangvinizate de Salvia Sclarea L. (Șerlai). In: Aspecte ameliorative în ameliorarea plantelor, 6 septembrie 2018, Pașcani. Pașcani: 2018, pp. 532-539.
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Aspecte ameliorative în ameliorarea plantelor 2018
Conferința "Aspecte ameliorative în ameliorarea plantelor"
Pașcani, Moldova, 6 septembrie 2018

Linii consangvinizate de Salvia Sclarea L. (Șerlai)

Pag. 532-539

Balmuş Zinaida
Institutul de Genetică, Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor
Disponibil în IBN: 3 februarie 2020


Early, medium and late inbred S1-15 lines of Salvia sclarea species derived from varieties Moldovenesc-69 (M-69), Voznesenski-24 (V-24), Crâmschii pozdnii (Cr.p.), Crâmschii rannii (S-1122), Ambra Plus (AP) și Nataly Clary (NC) have been developed. Have been selected inbred lines which shown total flowering (100%), these being excellent donor genes for the development of hybrids, varieties that would ensure high yield of raw material and essential oil of the first year of vegetation. It was selected inbred lines with high content (1.005 – 1,586 %) of essential oil and different blooming period, which will be used as parental forms in hybridization schemes.The inbred lines with enhanced, very enhanced content of essential oil are valuable genotypes in view of the improvement of raw material quality and the increase of the productivity of S. sclarea cultivars.

Salvia sclarea, genotype, inbred lines, different period of vegetation, essential oil